work and live in Fiji

Walt Smith

Premium Member
Dear members,
I have an opportunity for a livestock and coral farm manager to work and live in Fiji. I have recently been notified that my aquaculture manager in Fiji wishes to return to the USA as their children are getting older and need more schooling. I will need to replace him soon and was hoping someone in the in the hobby might like to apply for this position. The applicant must have a pretty thorough knowledge of various coral species (especially Acropora) and be willing to work for a commercial enterprise. You must also be a qualified diver with some experience growing coral.
As you might know I have pioneered coral farming on a commercial scale since 1998 and introduced man made cultured live rock a year later. House (with pool and view) and vehicle are provided along with all that Fiji has to offer.
This position would require full time work load and the commitment to live in Fiji for at least two years under contract.
My personal contact would be best to use
If you are interested in this position please email me your background of experience any other information you feel would be appropriate.
Thank you,
Walt Smith
My dream has just come true from this posting. But just my luck I cant. But I really wish that I could do it. Best of luck to who ever gets it.
What an amazing adventure for the right person. Turn the clock back before kids and I would be beating down your door.

Good luck with it - and thanks for all the efforts that you've put forth over the years!
Good luck with this search. Hope you find a great candidate!

I'm gonna be in Fiji in a couple of months - can't wait!
Dear Mr. Smith,

Thank you for posting the job on-line. It is a great and unique opportunity for those who have the ability to leave their present commitments. I, unfortunately, do not have such - despite the strong, almost obsessive lure of such a posting.

I will be in Fiji this coming October/November for FijiGuide.Com and I would very much like to interview you (either in Los Angeles or Lautoka/Nadi) and the new manager about the business, and, if possible, tour and photograph the facilities both above and underwater.

Thank you again for letting me dream.

Best regards,

Scott Putnam
What a dream job! I have the passion, and the desire to take something like this on, and even a "why don't you explore it further" from the wife! Unfortunatly, I have never dived, and my coral knowledge would not be strong enough at this point. Maybe in the future this opportunity will be avaliable again, as Fiji is a place we have discussed retiring!
That sounds like the most amazing job ever!! I would love to be in a position take it. Good luck with the job hunt.
good luck finding the right person...the job sounds perfect...just not the location...guess things fell through for the last candidate?
good luck finding the right person...the job sounds perfect...just not the location...guess things fell through for the last candidate?

Wondering what happened to the first candidate as well??