World Wide Corals


Wrasse aficionado
Taking the family up to Disney World this comming Monday and will be making a stop at World Wide Corals on Thursday on our way back home. If anyone wanted something from there in specific I would be happy to bring it back with me. Let me know.
I want the tank in front of the couch, but I would settle for one of the plate corals they have in their corner tank. Too bad they are either not for sale or out of my budget!!!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12546300#post12546300 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ghstrider
Im in Orlando/Kissimmee right now and will be at the store in the next hour or 2! oh yeah

thanks for rubbing it in lmao:mad2:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12546300#post12546300 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ghstrider
Im in Orlando/Kissimmee right now and will be at the store in the next hour or 2! oh yeah

Make sure to take your check book, you are in for a treat.
heres what i bought...


when i go by sunday to pick it up i may have to get something to accompany it
likewise, i will be going there on the 24 or 25 of this month. if anyone wants me to pick anything up for them just let me know or pm me....
had to post... i went by there today and aside from picking up my new clam I couldnt resist taking something else home. It was difficult choosing something as usual since they have so many things I want! I ended up buying a large yellow neon monti frag (encrusting) that Ive never seen before. Its truly amazing and at an unreal price so I took it. I cant wait til it gets in my tank (was told it encrusts very fast). WWC has a large colony of it encrusted in the middle of their first tank.
i hope it really is neon yellow but i bought a nuclear green paly they had there and it was neon yelow under their lights, and undermine it was neon green, im not saying this negatively or anything like that because i love the store and spend tons there but it just threw me off when put it in my tank

now though, i want to get a 8bulb t5 fixture for my future 120tank and do the color spectrum like theirs (really blue) i like how the colors pop under their lights more than the conventional 20k or 14k most aquariums use
no, Im pretty sure its neon yellow since it even looks yellow in the bag with no light. this frag was in the back room w/ all the tanks not in the front room w/ the amazing display tanks. I'll post later today when i get it in my tank!
i hope it really is neon yellow but i bought a nuclear green paly they had there and it was neon yelow under their lights, and undermine it was neon green, im not saying this negatively or anything like that because i love the store and spend tons there but it just threw me off when put it in my tank

How did you get thrown off? You bought them as NUCLEAR GREEN right, not YELLOW GREEN so when they look green in your tank you should of been very happy. Here is a picture of someone else and they seem to look just like the ones on my display tank.
you can call them green or yellow but still the same coral , everyone knows when you buy a known coral it will never look exactly the same on two different tanks due to water parameters , lighting and other things, so next time you buy a coral at my shop don't let those LED's light make the purchase for you ;) .
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i didnt mean anything negative by what i said, and i thought i made that clear

the only thing im saying is that AFTER seeing your corals in YOUR tanks, and putting them in MY TANK, id much rather have the same light setup as YOUR TANK

thats all...
Get the LED's man. After seing all of WWC's coral I left wanting their lights. After the lights I will worry about the corals.
