Worm spawning in your tanks?


Big and Evil
Do any of you ever have mass worm spawnings in your tanks? I do every couple of months where they cloud up the whole tank coming out and releasing thier eggs and sperm into the water. I came home today just in time to see the end of one. Skimmer goes nuts for about an hour then it slowly clears up over a couple of hours more.
Wow. Leslie found our little forum. It must have been a keyword hit.

Leslie, did you hear about the great big predator that he pulled out of his tank? It was several feet long. Might have been a Eunicid.

Mike, did you get them all out of your rock, or do you think that they might be back???
yeah, I did a search for "worm". I got tired of scrolling through all those boring posts about salinity and fish....... :lol:

I've seen several recent posts about big worms but I can't remember who posted what. Worm names are soooo much easier than people names! After all, there are thousands of Mikes and Susans but only one Oenone fulgida! :rollface:
the day I get all of the worms out of my tank is the day I have no live rock and no sand left in the tank. They are everywhere. The guys I pulled out was at least 4 feet and orange. Looked like a huge bristle worm, but I am thinking it was my clam killer. Since pulling it out I havent seen any dead snails either. I am going to try to do a series of bait/traps to see if I can find anymore though.
Too true. It always amuses me when people get upset about one little amphinomid.

Dead molluscs and a big orange worm? Were the molluscs covered in slime? Oenone fulgida. Good thing you got it out. They're not that common in tanks, not like amphinomids.
as far as I know the only effective way to get rid of them is to pull out the rocks they are in and smashem up to get the worms out. I would think that predation would work too, the problem I would see with that is that predators that would be effective would probably eat other things in your reef to that you want to keep.