Would rapid growth cause a zoanthid to stay closed most of the time?


New member
I bought a single rasta polyp about a month and a half ago, and for the first 3 weeks or so it was open and looked great. (no growth though) Now, there are like 4 or 5 other polyps that have sprouted and more to come, but the original polyp just doesn't seem to want to open up anymore. All other zoanthids in the tank look great, so I'm not sure if this behavior is normal, or something to worry about? I haven't seen any nudibranchs, asterina stars, etc on the frag btw. Any information would be great. Thanks. :)
I would just leave it alone for now, specially if no predators/irritators.
Zoas sometimes do that.
I don't think it's directly related to the growth, but that is an interesting observation.

Hopefully it will be open by tomorrow…

Thank you. :) I just did a water change today and moved the rastas up onto the frag rack in my 20. More flow, but the light is eqilivent due to the shade from the PH. (I think) Still in limbo though. Not good, but not bad...

I took your advice and got the T5's for my 10 gallon tank. Not the 18", but the 24" fixture. (Aquatic Life) I might get those bulbs you recommended awhile back after the new year. (ATI blue +/ KZ) :thumbsup:

Here's a current picture.

Oh, that's great!
I'm very happy for you!!

Try to put some aragonite live sand in the tank.
That helps with the filtration.


Yeah, I'm thinking about that. Being that the tank is still pretty new though, I'm going to give these rocks some time to "shed" first. Keep blasting them with a PH week after week trying to get all the gunk out first. Thanks again... :)
You're very welcome!
Please keep us posted!!

By the way… you could also get an ATI Coral Plus instead the KZ, if you want to save some money. They are similar bulbs, but I personally like the KZ better...
