Would this or can this work?


Premium Member
I currently run a Profilux Plus 2 and 4 Pump Dosing Station and am very satisfied with it. My system is 400 gallons total with a display tank in the living room and the sump in the garage. The Profilux is in the garage where the basics are taken care of, I do not have anything in the display area that is controlled via the Profilux, just straight up timers for lighting, etc. I also have a quarantine system and frag tank in the garage that is controlled via the Profilux Plus 2.
My question is if I were to get a new P3 could I use the P2 box as another sensor input for the frag system and send that data to the "P3 Master Controller." I would also like to have another expansion box at the display tank so that I can control things at that end.

So what am I wondering is can I do this? Can I "slave" 2 boxes to one Profilux 3 and use the data being inputed from the Profilux 2 and Expansion Box(i.e. Ph, Redox, Salinity, level) send it to the P3 and control it?

I think so but bothe firmware have to match and address has to be different.... but Matthias or Michael could answer that for sure.

You can not connect a Plus II to a P3, the networking of P3 controllers is done via the PAB board which the Plus II does not have access to unless upgraded.

Tbe option would be to upgrade your controller to P3 and purchase the EX expansion box.