Wow I finally took a decent picture


New member
I figure I have about two grand invested in this picture I sure hope you all enjoy

Cool picture. Really nice colors. Looks a little blurry to me, did you shoot the pic through and an angle?
I think the shot would benefit from slight WB adjustment. I realise it's an actinic shot, but it looks too blue to me. I'd suggest that DOF could be increased too... and there does look to be some blurring.

What equipment have you got?
Slightly adjusted (levels) in Photoshop, and sharpened. While it would be nice to get perfect pictures right out of the camera, usually some post-processing is necessary. It is just the nature of this particular hobby, imho.

well it looks better than the original. I thought I had gotten one right. It is frustrating to have a great camera and not get the results you want.
Photography is hard hobby to master. Even more so when doing aquarium shots. It takes lots of practice and time with the camera. Nice Shot BTW
just keep shooting pics. I know its frustrating but that's the only way anyone gets better.

Practice! Practice! Practice.