WTB 40g or 30g breeders


New member
I am in the need of 3 40g or 30g breeders... let me know if anyone has one they are looking to sell.
I would just buy a sheet of acrylic, have them cut the dimension for you and call it a day.
for a $100 you can make yourself a real nice frag tank.
I am good with DIY but im not sure i could handle building tanks... unless someone (AHEM Jon) wants to help me.

If not im just going to buy a few coral flats from glass cages.
Get the dimensions you want out of a 4 x 8 sheet and give them to me. I will get the stuff for you I will let you know how much a sheet is. I wouldnt go to big with 1/4" Inch though. And 1/2 in is double. But you can easily go 40 gal. I will talk to you later about it.
I get some ideas kicked around and let you know.

If anyone has some used ones i will still prefer to save on a used one.
the only other place i look locally is usually the paper shop or craigslist, but those people usually want an arm and a leg for even 10g tanks
I might run to TFP since they have 30 breeders for 60.00 I will however need somone to help drill the tank. Also where can i order a diamond bit?
I just got back from Beyond the Reef in bloom and he is having a special for 30 breeders for 55-60 each! So i got 3 ordered for the new Prop tanks! Every place i called wanted 70-90 each.

He is also going to drill them for 5.00 i just have to get my plan figured out by the delivery date.
I just need to figure out the plumbing ill need and what poump would be ok to provide enough gph to be split.