WTB: Orange Screen Apex Display Module


New member
Hi all,
I recognize it'll be highly unlikely that anyone is selling one of these since they're so new, but my display module's screen is cracked, and since I'm getting a new one I'd like to get the new one with the more visible display.

Thanks for the consideration!
I've seen pictures of peoples setups with tablets, but I never realized it was that cheap and easy.
DEFINITELY doing this.
Thanks guys!
I won a mint condition 6th generation 8" Fire HD on Ebay for $70 yesterday.
Not a huge cost difference, and I believe the extra inch will really make a visual difference in display.

Thanks again for the suggestion. I would have spent more money for something that's not even 1/10th as good.
I don't think I'm even going to install a display module at all!