WTB: Refugium


New member
I am looking to buy a 30+/- refugium (or the largest thing that will fit under my 75G). My current one maintains the water the same level in all chambers. The problem is I need a stable water level in one chamber to optimize my skimmer. I have an ATO, but it is not percise enough to keep the overall water level high enough to keep the skimmer working effectively. Not sure if anyone has upgraded to a larger one and may be looking to sell?

Ideally it would have three chambers as I have cheato going as well.
So your really wanting a sump. If nothing comes up from anyone else I can make you one from acrylic. Just some FYI.
I have one of Barrett's sumps and I have not had any problems with it . I have had it operational for over 4 years. Just in case you need him to build you one, I can vouch for his work. I would even send pictures on request... just sayin...
Well there you go barrett a true testimonial....however, my budget says used sump versus custom (spanish for get your wallet out)...Barrett...what does a 30+/- run?

Isn't it a fuge if you have a light and cheato in it?? I thought a sump was just a place for extra water, skimmer, etc...but not algae and the like? I want to incorporate my skimmer (constant water level, cheato/light and of course the pump....pretty basic set up i assume.

Kerry these are simple to build. Buy a 30 long from Petco (cant beleive i just said that since they slaughtered all my fish). You can buy acrylic and aquarium safe silicone at Home Depot / Lowe's.

I had mine drilled for $20 or $30 bucks at Memfish. Actually let me use the bit and I did it myself because Richard was not around. Easy to do, but nervewracking and you must go SLOW.

Cut you a few baffles out of the acrylic and set your water level where you desire. Make sure to use the bubble trap coming out of your skimmer section.

It so easy even Jabo built one!!! However I shattered the heck out of it taking out before jonathon bought my tank..

Barrett's might cut you a sweet deal though, you never know!!

Barrett, how much for a reactor that will handle 150 gallons??
what does a 30+/- run?
A lot of sumps you get now have a fuge built in to them. it's basically a matter of where you put the baffels and what not.
I have to get acrylic for the sump and basically a sheet that size is (at last I knew) $100. All I would ask for would be the $100 since the left overs would let me make other stuff for myself. I know $100 is a choke factor, but it's custom sized to your needs and when you got tight cabinet space Stock sumps/tanks tend to be too much of a hassel. Jabo's right with making your own out of AGA's. The problem with them is glass and acrylic don't want to hold together. I've had limited exp with this on the first sump I made. After a while the joints get loose and you can pull it apart. Acrylic melts together, basically welding the joints. If you check out melev's site he's got a bunch of DIY plans to choose from. Just pick one and i'll look at it and see. I'm not trying to pimp myself out here, honestly. I just wanted you to know all of your available options.

jabo said:
Barrett, how much for a reactor that will handle 150 gallons??
If you know of one you want (brand/style wise) I can figure it out. Mine is a mishmash of designs that I liked. Reactor's are tricky. Mostly because of the plumbing parts, pH probe holders, etc. so shooting you a price is a little tough without knowing the parts I'll have to get. If it's small enough I might have enough scrap at home that I can make it on the super cheap. If I had to take a wild guess and over shoot it I would guess $100. But i'm terrible with money. Just ask the wife.
I have a custom sump and I love it. Memfish built the tank and let me design it anyway I wanted. It's easy to do and you can do it!!
how long does it take you to build a sump. I have a 135 oceanic 60x18x24 if I can remember right. The sump that I have is not designed right. It puts the skimmer in the return side of the sump. My wife would like a refugium in it.
Will the rest of you guys bug off and quit trying to get in the front of the checkout line.:lmao:..Barrett, I will pick out a design and also need to get my measurements. I realize my limitations will be what will fit inside the stand.

You can drop that writing gig and open up your custom sump business....
250 watt MH ballast

250 watt MH ballast

Anyone got one laying around they want to sell?

Its always something in this darn hobby!!!
Rudolph: To mirror what jabo and tran901 said, yes sump building is pretty easy, so long as you have all the equipment, which really isn't much. where I found savings was after my first sump build i had everything i needed to make another one. first time out, making an acrylic sump will probably be about even with purchasing one from the LFS. And just to everyone knows, so long as the build isn't too tricky $100 should cover the cost of materials with a little left over for me. I like working with acrylic and helping out my fellow reefers. it' a llot of fun and it helps build experience. For a DIY project sump building can really teach you a lot about aquarium equipment construction. If i can make it myself out of acrylic I will, and that goes for pretty much everything. learning a skill is very rewarding. Before i moved to a night shift job (and when i was active in the club) i was going to host a workshop for working with acrylic for a club meeting. I'm moving to days soon and hope to renew my membership then and still hold the class.
when measuring for a custom sump you need to consider the footprint of your equipment, its placement inside and/or outside the sump/stand and any bells and whistles you may want to incorporate later down the road. Something i suggest is really research the sumps that are out there, mix and match features until something really clicks with your tank and BUILD A MOCKUP! I have made myself sumps that looked great outside the stand and then wouldn't work worth a flip, or (god forbid) not fit. just cut a cardboard box down to the outer dimentions of your sump plan and try and get it in the stand without folding, creasing, or cutting the thing up. a lottle forethought goes a LONG way, believe me. I made a stand for my 180 and wound up renting a reciprocating saw from Dixie Rents and hacking up one end of it to get that monster sump inside it.
So long and short of it is: Research, Redesign and Test.
theres lots of good sumps out there and pleanty of ideas. find some you like and we'll work out the details.
my new sump I made has an integrated filter sock holder and overflow bubble trap. i left the inside empty so I can take it off and add more things later.
Here is a picture of my Ca reactor i made.

i thought i had a pic of my sump but i guess it's on my phone.
anyhow, if you want me to make you something just PM me.
jabo, i got an idea for your Ca reactor, i just need to get some info from you. PM me when you get a minute.
Oops. I just realized that is a picture of my Ca reactor after i tried to bluw it up like a balloon. On the up side, acrylic tends to fix pretty easily. I modeled it after some reactors I found online. it's way too much for my tank now but will have to do until I make myself a smaller one.
Zuk, I have a bad sense of humor so I am sure you know I was just kidding....was poking more fun at Jabo since I know him....I don't generally poke at strangers.....so the lesson to be learned here is to not let me get to know you....take care. kerry
Barrett: Will shoot you a PM. I for one would be interested in your workshop. You could use a project from one of us as an example....:bounce3:
Zuk, I have a bad sense of humor so I am sure you know I was just kidding....was poking more fun at Jabo since I know him....I don't generally poke at strangers.....so the lesson to be learned here is to not let me get to know you....take care. kerry

thats kool man. I mess with everybody.