WTB: SW tank 75g+


New member
I'm wanting to start a saltwater tank so if anyone has a 75 gallon or larger tank for sale that's hopefully reef ready, I'd be interested. I'm starting from scratch so I will need a sump and skimmer as well, but I'd atleast like to start out with the tank and work my way up.

My idea is to setup a tank for a porcupine puffer and snowflake eel. Any suggestions/opinions whatsoever would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks! :)
if you want to drive, there are several 90's for sale here in south bend, i personally have an aga rr 90 with oak stand/canopy, sump, scwd, and mak4 pump if interested. PM me and ill give oyu # and address. There is also without a doubt the best lfs in indiana here in michiana