WTMRAC March Meeting Host needed

Mako Shark II

Fish are Friends not Food
Folks -

I believe we're still in the hunt for a host / location for this coming month's meeting. :hammer:

Please sound off if you'd like to host, or have access to a venue capable of supporting our Club.


(I can't do it...)
Last meeting was only ten (10) folks, likely driven in-part by the venue, but we had a great time. :beer:

(There was a modest expense, but it was a Great Dinner, and Equestria will have us back anytime, with no-cost to the Club, just whatever the members order for themselves. That room will accomodate like 50+ People though.)

January was like 26-28 at Jim & Darlene's Apt. clubhouse. (Also a nice venue, but $pendy.)

Really, what we discussed Richard, was having some general default locale to use, when Private club members can't or don't volunteer to Host it in their homes.

By way of comparison, the last time I held it (when You did the photography demo discussion), we had 35 members and I think that was a recent headcount record, so I'm told.

I know for fact, the Club Leadership talked about encouraging Richard, Andy & Dave the "œHobbyists" to participate more, given your passion for the hobby.

Why do you ask??? :bigeyes:
I would do it guys but my house is so trashed.Ive got roof repairs going on and I want to get the painting of the overhangs and windows done before anyone comes over!!
We have a tentative Solution for March adn it looks Like it'll Be on the 27th this month.

Details tonight at 10:00!

Stay tuned....
Hey Marty,

As I am unable to PM since I am on double-secret probation but still wouldn't mind stopping by today if you are going to be around a little after 1:00 to see the tank and your Klipsch set up.
Not going to be here. 'nother time though.

I was just "fragging" something for neuroslicer. As a surgeon, he'll appreciate that I was using a gasket scraper and a small mallet to skillfully, delicately and artfully extracate his frag!