www.swfmas.com - Restored

maintenance turned into a major issue ... the site is down, and will probably be done for a little while ... maybe a few days. :-(
me neither! :-(

It's down. I've worked on it for ... close to 20 hours now - and can't get it back up.

My old server admin upgraded mysql, php & apache on the server ... and caused a whole lot of issues. Just last night i was able to get most of my other websites back up & running .. busienss sites that i host on there - but for some reason drupal (CMS) is not working right - worst of all ... it just throws a blank page - NO ERROR messages ont he page, or in the log file.

I'm still running FC3 on it - current is FC7 - i might just fly up to ATL sometime the week after next & do a full system upgrade. until then, the site may say down. I Just cannot figure it out. I've re-compiled php from source several times,tried the RPMs, maybe i will try another version of mysql & install it from source - but who knows.

Scott & I are @ SRC today.

Been REALLY busy with other things, lots of stuff happening in my life .... good & bad.
Sorry about the bad stuff- would have liked to go to ORC, but 2 members of my family are getting SCUBA cert. this weekend, and needed us along for moral support!!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10340975#post10340975 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Dawn II
Sorry about the bad stuff- would have liked to go to ORC, but 2 members of my family are getting SCUBA cert. this weekend, and needed us along for moral support!!

Awesome - been wanting to do it as well ... one day .. maybe!
SRC was great ... bornman canceled about 2 weeks ago - James Fatheree(sp) jumped in as a sub - and was GREAT! His topic was Giant Clams.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10342474#post10342474 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by rorchilles
thanks for all the hard werk

No Problem - I'll see if we can't fix the site one of these days .. i'm hoping things will slow down a little here shortly ...
I could get the site right back up - If i opted to lose the data - all of it. But i'm trying to avoid that ... but cannot promise that it will not end up coming down to that.
The Gallery is currently down - until i can resolve a few issues with it.
Other than that - the website is back up ... I am working on it - so occasionaly it may be down for a few minutes, while i restart the db, or webserver. Shouldn't take mroe than a few minutes at a time.