Xavier's 220 gallon journal. My biggest tank yet.

gemini aquarius(t)

Always Learning
This tank started off with the idea of having a soft coral dominated fowlr tank. By that I mean, having specific angels and butterflies, triggers and moorish idols while keeping mushrooms, xenia, leathers, and gsp. That way if they did munch on corals, I wouldn't mind. However the ever-present coral bug bit me in the butt again and I started transitioning the tank back into a more inclusive reef and a more typical selection of fish... happens to me every time!

The tank was also started with a nearly impossible goal, set the tank up, cycled, full of lights, pumps, filters, rock, sand and water for no more than $1000. Now, obviously that is a challenging goal, but I have always been a big fan of buying a deal, and taking what I can use from that deal, and parting out the other pieces to make back some or all of the initial investment. Its my way of justifying my participation in an expensive hobby, without getting away from my personal financial goals.
Between buying and selling components of 2 different 220 gallon aquariums that were fully running systems, and a bulk deal on a tank breakdown of coral, I have been able to meet that goal, and even have a little left over for some extra coral and fish.

The tank has been up since the beginning of March 2017, which makes it about two and a half months old so I figured I should post up a picture of the progress so far.
I still need to finish the stand and canopy, but its been a slow process.

Thanks for reading!
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very nice. enjoy it. I like the rock bridge in the middle of the tank.

Thank you! It is one of my favorite pieces. Its really just boring button polyps, and a very fast growing pink paly, but as a whole rock, it looks pretty cool!

I remember your 80g rimless. This should be just as good. Following along.

Thats really cool, im glad you remember "just the tip" haha
Im hoping this will turn out similar. Time will tell ;)