Xenia coral


New member
I have recently placed Xenia coral into my stock 29cube. It appears to not be doing well. Some of the ends have appeared to fallen off. It has a nice flow. Any ideas. It has been five days since its been placed in my tank. Thanks
Thanks but my water is far from low nutrient. I have hammer coral which is doing great and has been in the same amount of time. And zoanthids which are doing well. Anything else?
Xenia is one of those corals it grows like a weed for some people and disappears in others. At one time it was a very hard coral to get ahold of and keep
yes, it will become a nuisance in no time. I recommend creating an 'island' for it, but even then, it will eventually start shedding stalks and spread.. I'm trying to give mine away right now lol