

Mmmmmm Goats !
Hey All ,

I got a nice Xenia frag yesterday and want to know if my method of attaching it to a rock is going to work or not.

What I did was put the xenia on a rock and put some net material over it and secured the net with a couple of rubber bands. It is staying in one spot and trying to open up but the netting is keeping it kinda subdued. I have it in a nice high light spot. Will this work or do I need to do it another way? This happens to be the first Xenia I have ever tried before so it is new to me.

Thanks in advance ! :fun4:

That will work but ive had better success doing this: just rubberbanding the frag to the piece of rock you want to attach it to. Just make sure the rubberband isnt real tight, just tight enough to hold it. In 3-4 days, you should be good to go.
I've never done either method. Interesting wayof doing it. IMO, if you have a bunch of tiny pieces of live rock, group them somewhat together and let the frag loose. I find it's usually best to let the coral choose it's final destination. You can do this by grouping the cluster of small live rock on the bottom of the tank or group the rocks together on a larger rock. BTW, until it attaches, keep the flow real low so it doesn't blow all over creation. Just my .02.....:)
That is also a good method surgeon but i have had 1 small problem doing that. Twice the xenia attached to 2 small rocks at the same time and i ended up having to seperate them anyways after waiting 3 weeks for it to move on its own.
Sufunk,how big were the rocks? Were they fragments or larger pieces? I'm assuming larger pieces since it would have been difficult to place two large rocks together without ripping the xenia?

PS- I was using pieces about half the size of a finger, not much larger so as not to have the 2 rock problem :)
They were a little bigger than that, say slightly bigger than your thumbnail. Haven't been able to find any good small rubble lately for my xenia frags and have been to lazy to smash up a piece,lol. Gotta do it soon though, i have at least 10 stalks that HAVE to be trimmed before they choke out my button's.
well I got it attached . It actually attached to the netting material I used . I just cut around it and superglued the netting to the rock . It has opened up nicely and is pulsing away.

So far so good ! :D I am keeping my fingers crossed hoping it takes over a side of my tank .
Congrats and good luck!
Don't worry, if your water is decent, in about 3 months you'll be starting a "free xenia frags" thread on here.
Yep my water should be just right for Xenia. Hopefully it will help clean it up a little ! :lolspin:

I hope I am that lucky in 3 months ! I would love to have it encroaching on places I don't want it to go . What a good problem to have . Well that is if you love Xenia . ;)