
itz frank

Gives Bad Advice.
Ok so i bought a frag plug a little while back of Xenia and within a week it all died off and released from the plug. Some of it pulsed for awhile. Others just didn't. Now i'm diddling through my tank and low and behold i find a single polyp, on each end of the tank that has taken root in the sand/LR and is now pulsing. I thought these needed more light and flow? Now they're getting less then before. Ideas?
when i first got mine i set my frag on the live sand in an area with moderate current. when you see it come to life and start to pulsate leave it there for a week or two. make sure your system has adequite iodine. then i brought it up to the top in an area with moderate to a little higher current and they just spread like crazy giving me many to sell. remember with a lot of xenia they will deplete your iodine and shrivel up and adding iodine will bring them back. i have a 40 gal. tank with 4x65 watts of light blues and whites a protein skimmer and power head. any questions let me know
I had a hard time keeping xenia until I started using seachems reef plus which does contain iodine.

I ordered some about 3 years ago and it arrived pretty much dead except for a few polyps on the bottom of the bag.
I did the garf.org bridal veil net thing and raised a whole tankfull from 3 seperate polyps.

I'd just try to let them where they are until they grow a little then move them.

Good Luck!

I've yet to ever be able to keep xenia :( I've even used the Reef Plus, but not to a regular schedule.

I still have a tiny bit alive in one tank from a recent frag, perhaps I'll set up a tiny pico tank to experiment with, keeping iodine levels up.
When I started using reef plus I used it twice a week and then tapered off to once a week after awhile and doing more water changes than I used to.
I havent tested iodine in my tank for a long time but when I used to it always read 0.
I do have a very heavy load also.
If I were you I'd try dosing reef plus once a week and see what happens.
More water changes might help also.

i use kents concetrated iodine once a week as per directions and do not try to over carbon my tank as they don't seem to like it over powering and mine are flourishing like crazy.
Yea, I use the Kent's reef kit. I have been doing more water changes and it seems that in a week i have had two more additions of polyps growing from one. So hopefully it'll start to make it. I love the pulsing action these things get and i think it's be great if they made it. It would give the tank such nice life and movement.