XM 10k on Electronic Ballasts


New member
So I've got a question for everyone...

Have you heard before that when you run XMs (probably just 10k, but not sure) on electronic ballasts, that it is known to blow the end of the bulb off??

I went into the LFS here in Tallahassee, and spoke with the guy, and he said it was a known issue that people were aware of.....


I just killed half my freakin tank because of that.

So again, has anyone else heard of this before?

If you did, why didn't you tell anyone (me) you jerk!? :p

Any input is appreciated.
Yea. I hadn't either. I walked into the store today, talking to the owner, who I know, and who originally suggested pairing XM10ks with 4x110w actinic VHO, and told him about the bulb breaking. And he asks what ballast I ran it on, and I told him that it was an IceCap electronic, and he says "well shyyyyt, that's because you're running XM 10ks on an electronic ballast." and I just sat there with open eyes and a slack jaw.... grrr
That's bunk. A few years ago, there were some problems with XM DE 10Ks not firing on icecap ballasts, but only in particular fixtures. I think the SLS Reef Optix III was one of them. After investigating, icecap reported that the bulb did not meet standard bulb specifications, and that was why it didn't always work. I think changes were made since, either to the bulb or the ballast, so that this isn't an issue anymore.

I've NEVER heard of an exploding bulb, unless water was involved. :D
The only reason I believed him was because he said that he went through the same thing with someone up here, whose tank I've seen before, and I know that he stopped using XMs and uses Ushios now. The LFS guy said that he and the ushio guy went through about 2 years of changing bulbs every few months because the ends would blow off of them on electronic ballasts...

I dunno. I had never heard of this before, and I have used XM10ks for most of my tank's life, so I was and am still skeptical, but I was just wondering if anyone had heard the same thing, cause the way he explained it, it sounded like everyone else knew it but me... :/