y such a lage tank?

The Unit

New member
y do octo's need suck a large tank if some are so small?.....in 30+ gallons and 30+lbs of Lr do u ever see the octo?....do they need the room because they like to swim around alot or because they are a big bio-load?....
I think it's the bio load. Mine has inked twice, and both times, I've been glad it dissipated quickly into my 55 gallon tank. He's very small and hard to find in a tank this large, but I keep telling myself it's more like the ocean to him...
Octos are just like any other living creature, THEY GROW, and unlike fish that will only grow to the size of their tank, octos continue to grow regardless of tank size. So you have to put them in a tank the will accommodate them as an adult.

Most of the octos that everyone has just received (on this site) are very young and will grow fairly quickly to a size that a 30gal tank might even seem to small.
well then tell me of i can do this......i have a 55 and right nxt to it is a 15high and the are linked together....could i put a baby in the 15 till it gets big and then move it to the 55.....this way i could keep my eel and lion for a while longer......also if this can be done how would one catch the octo? i would think a net would be too stressfull.....
I have reared baby cephs in smaller tanks and then moved them into bigger ones quite successfully.

The way i did it is with a pint glass for the cuttlefish. I found that this didnt make them ink but if you removed them out of the water with a net they ink the second you put them back into water. The glass was much easier and cleaner.

With octopuses, one of the best tricks is to put in a plastic pipe or box or something, wait for the octo to climb in and them lift out the tube or whatever you used..... real easy!

It is said that an octopus can produce 3 times more waste than a fish of a similar mass and that it is more prone to poisoning by the waste because of its skin producing a surface area many many times larger than the surface area of a fish. Also an octopus requires lots of hiding places to feel safe. All of my tanks are heavily stocked with rocks. Apart from once I havnt had a problem with an octopus making itself visible.

Lastly, if an aquarium is kept in peak condition, a fish will always out-grw the aquarium too. Generally a fish will stop growing because the conditions are less than perfect. If constant water changes are done and parameters are really good for that species, the fish will grow regardless of the aquarium size.

Unit...one thing I did as well is create caves that are visible from at least one side. You really don't need 30 lbs of rock in a tank with an octo, just one or two caves. If you do the "gap" in the middle of the tankOnce established and settled, you will see him plenty. Mine always comes out to greet me when I go to the tank and always has at least a couple eyes poking out of the tank. You wont regret it...
OctoMonkey said:
Lastly, if an aquarium is kept in peak condition, a fish will always out-grw the aquarium too. Generally a fish will stop growing because the conditions are less than perfect. If constant water changes are done and parameters are really good for that species, the fish will grow regardless of the aquarium size.

Thanks for clearing that up OctoMonkey, must have been a case of BS I picked up at a LFS. I think theres a lot of that going around.LOL
Rearing a youg octo in a smaller tank is fine. If it is connected with another tank you need to make sure temp, PH, salinity... are compatable with your octo. If you get a species like O.bimaculoides, you are restricted from letting temp get too high. Having your tank kept at 70f may not be to the liking of your eel and lionfish.
Currenty I have been keeping my egg hatched O.mercatoris in a 5 gallon container plumbed to my bimac tank for 4 months. The mercatoris is the size if a peanut M&M so he has plenty of room.
Waste load is the main reason why bigger tanks are better.
Re: y such a lage tank?

The Unit said:
.....in 30+ gallons and 30+lbs of Lr do u ever see the octo?

Well, I never saw my first octopus, but that was because she was nocturnal and was guarding eggs (one of those eggs became the baby mercatoris that chris mentioned).

The baby bimac (he is still nameless :confused: ) from FFExpress is always visible. I have a 40 gallon tank (well 48 gallons if you include the sump) with 30 lbs of live rock. I set up the rocks with a bunch of overhangs. This alllows the octopus to sit where I can see him but he has a wall at his back and a roof over his head, he feels very safe. For the first week sometimes it was hard to find him. But now he has developed about five or six spots that he likes to hang out in. If he isnt hanging out on the glass I just check the spots and can always find him. But usually when I come into the room he comes out and crawls along the glass. A random interesting thing i have noticed: when he gets hermit crabs he brings them to his nearest hangout spot to eat them, but with snails he always brings them back to this one crevice to eat.