Yellow Fiji Leather - 260w of PC lighting enough?


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Yellow Fiji Leather - 260w of PC lighting enough?

I have been debating for some time now if I should get a Yellow Fiji Leather. Are they easy to keep, or are they a fragile coral that needs the most optimum water and highest wattage possible? I am running 260w of PC lighting, and also a bunch of coral that seem to be thriving, including another Toadstool leather.

What does a Yellow Fiji Leather demand?

I am think of placing the order from Blue Zoo Aquatics, but don't know much about them. Here is the link to the coral:

Here is a pic of the leather:

Can you keep both corals in a 55g tank?
my TSL is under PC and has been for 4 months. today im moving it to a larger tank with MH and PC. i hope it doesnt mind. i think you should be fine. REEF-ON!!!
i think he means that pic is the one he has already. the link (which is broken btw) leads to a yellow toadstool.

the 260W depends on where/how you're going to place the coral. in a 18" tall tank it should be enough almost anywhere but in a 24" tank it probably won't do well towards the bottom or is your rockscape is exceptionally low.

also the size of your tank affects the appropriateness, i.e. 260W over a 24" long tank is super high-intensity but over a 48" long tank it's only "adequate" imo (again, assuming same tank heights dimensions for the two for comparisons-sake).
ok...but is there some chemical warfare between these two leathers? can they exist in the same tank? if so, how far away do they have to be from ech other?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7791865#post7791865 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by chrisbenavides
ok...but is there some chemical warfare between these two leathers? can they exist in the same tank? if so, how far away do they have to be from ech other?
y'know? i don't think i've ever noticed allelopathic responses from sarcophytons towards each other (sarcos of different species).

in fact, i think they get along nicely enough that there are sarco hybrids out there (disclaimer: another of my unsubstantiated rantings). i've had them in physical contact and no overt issues. i've had them literally on top of each other and pass each other (as they grow/move).

not sure if you can really keep them far enough away from each other in a typical aquarium setting to have a substantial effect on their chemical "fartings". setting a particular distance apart within a closed-system would be of little consequence imho.

but if you notice a problem, i'd start using chemical filtration, e.g. carbon, Poly-Filters, chemi-pure, purigen, etc. but imo it'll be more for issues between other corals and the sarcos, e.g. capnella, sinularia, maybe lobophytons, rather than a sarco vs. sarco issue.
lol "farting"...

I see. Thanks!!! big does the coral get? BTW, how big does my leather above get, and long does it take these corals to grow?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7792141#post7792141 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by chrisbenavides big does the coral get? BTW, how big does my leather above get, and long does it take these corals to grow?
that particular yellow fiji you've linked seems to be a sarcophyton serenei. very similar to a s. elegans except for some differentiating polyp patterns that emerge when it gets older.

not sure how big it gets in the wild but the largest i've seen in a home aquarium is about 10" width (probably close to 10" in height). they get a solid base growth than height over time (similar to s. latum). i believe they'll split off after getting to a certain size (that's a complete and utter guess from the left-fielder).

but i believe they reach sexual maturity after 7-years or so but that's also a complete guess and i just may be transferring memories from another coral i've read about. borneman or some other soft coral experts (e.g. benayahu, verseveldt or alderslade) might be able to tell you more about the actual life-cycle.

as for the toadie you already have, i'm not sure which species it is (and even if i guess one, like the ones i did above, it's only a guess). i can't really tell much from that one picture. i could guess 3~4 different species and still probably be wrong. :confused: (although i'm pretty sure about the serenei)

all young sarcos almost always take the typical "toadstool shape" starting out. but they eventually grow out of it and into their species morph (ime after a year or so they'll begin to look like "adults"). life span-wise is an unknown afaik.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7792448#post7792448 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by chrisbenavides
So the coral in this link: is not a Yellow Fiji Leather - Sarcophyton elegans?

imho, that's not a s. elegans. while it's got the same golden coloration and somewhat similar body-type but the polyps are not uniform in regards to spacing. and as you go towards the center they get further apart than typical elegans.

it could be a s. subvirde but i'm just guessing serenei first. subvirde should tend to more of a base body-type as it grows, like s. latum. i believe serenei stays more toadstool-like but still not as prominently as elegans does.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7792448#post7792448 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by chrisbenavides
If this is a Sarcophyton serenei, can anyone provde with another picture to compare both of them? Is the cheaper and better place to find a Yellow Fiji Leather????
sacrophyton elegans more uniformly spaced polyps (and smaller polyps than serenei on average imo)

sarcophyton serenei wider spaced polyps with a tendency for greater spacing towards the center. the skin texture and coloration also tends to be more varied in serenei than elegans. your linked pic is probably a better example than this link though.

these are just my observations/guesses though.
Trying to find a true Yellow Fiji Leather

Trying to find a true Yellow Fiji Leather

What about what offers? Is this a real Yellow Fiji Leather:

What about Dr. Mac's:

I am looking for this coral in the picture. Is marinedepotlive a good place to buy this coral, if not, tell me so I can place my order ASAP. The reason is I need this by Tuesday. THANKS!!!
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<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7795240#post7795240 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by chrisbenavides
What about what offers? Is this a real Yellow Fiji Leather:

I am looking for this coral in the picture. Is marinedepotlive a good place to buy this coral, if not, tell me so I can place my order ASAP. The reason is I need this by Tuesday. THANKS!!!
the coral pictured in that link looks like s. elegans but that doesn't necessarily mean you're going to get that ime.

please note though that that's not a commentary on mdl specifically but just ols in general. i've ordered from mdl and ime they're good suppliers.

but in the past when i ordered from ols for one type of sarco, i often got another type. i don't think it was on purpose but rather just generic/sloppy identifications. it really only irked me when they made very obvious mistakes, e.g. mistaking a trocheliophorum for an elegans.

ime usually choices for sarcos from ols are limited to some type of yellow/golden species and a brownish/beige species, i.e. by general coloration with no other specific description.

but whereas in lfs, you have a better chance to pick and choose and possibly pickup rarer species. maybe if you search around on wysiwyg menus for certain ols you can pick up specifically what you're looking for.
So, most likely what Blue Zoo Aquatics is selling is not Elegans, its something else (can you show me a pic of that possible coral they are selling).

Also, most likely what Marine Depot Live is selling is not as well?
Is this the same for Live Aquaria?
Re: Trying to find a true Yellow Fiji Leather

Re: Trying to find a true Yellow Fiji Leather

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7795240#post7795240 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by chrisbenavides
What about Dr. Mac's:
i guess i quoted before as you edited. :D

doc's isn't a elegans nor a serenei (imo). it does look interesting though (assuming depicted coloration is actual) but without seeing the base (for color and shape), relative size (4" present size?), and polyps extended it could be id'd as 6~8 different types of sarcos. hth
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7795372#post7795372 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by chrisbenavides
So, most likely what Blue Zoo Aquatics is selling is not Elegans, its something else (can you show me a pic of that possible coral they are selling).

Also, most likely what Marine Depot Live is selling is not as well?
Is this the same for Live Aquaria?
i think i'm confusing you. i didn't mean these ols aren't selling the corals they're describing, they're using generic terms anyway. i'm just suggesting that they might not be what you're expecting (based upon my past experience with some of them, i've no experience with blue zoo). it isn't a big deal imo, serenei versus elegans. they're very similar and most people can't tell them apart anyways.

just to be clear, i think the blue zoo link shows a s. serenei.

the mdl link shows a s. elegans imo.

this live aquaria yellow fiji looks like an elegans but i'm not sure.

but all three seem to be accurately described as a "yellow/golden fiji leather coral". all very generic terms.

still, these are just my opinions on what's pictured on their websites. what you're going to get depends on the packer picking your coral out of the holding tank. they could very well get it exactly right. i'm just saying don't count on it 100%.

if you're in serious need of a particular coral for some reason (e.g. lab research) i'd go to a supply house instead (beaucoup $$$ though).
Which store to choose from | Bad shipper??? |liveaquaria's Diver's Den or no???

Which store to choose from | Bad shipper??? |liveaquaria's Diver's Den or no???

Thanks for all this info Tinyreef! ;) I really appreciate it.

Is it better to pick a bigger coral or a smaller one? Does it matter?

Well I guess my best bet would be to go with the cheaper, which is Blue Zoo. Maybe I can make a search (which I am limited) on Blue Zoo's reputation.

Or which would you say of three liveaquaria, blue zoo, marinedepotlive, will yeild the best looking and accurate coral?Live aquaria specifically says Elegans. :)

I found this: (DIVER'S DEN) and this from the same site: Do you think there is a difference with this Diver's Den thing? If I don't choose Diver's Den will I get the same type of coral, and quality???????

Important though: How well do these ship? I have heard that they DO NOT ship well. How true is this? Anybody here ordered online and successfully recieved this coral without much problems?
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Keeping my thread alive guys. I'll be placing the order I need to know whats best (through a consensus). Please read info above.

Thanks! bump ;)
Re: Which store to choose from | Bad shipper??? |liveaquaria's Diver's Den or no???

Re: Which store to choose from | Bad shipper??? |liveaquaria's Diver's Den or no???

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7795488#post7795488 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by chrisbenavides
Thanks for all this info Tinyreef! ;) I really appreciate it.
you're welcome! i rarely get to discuss my favorite coral genus, my hobby within a hobby. :D i really like this new sub-forum devoted to softies. :thumbsup:

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7795488#post7795488 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by chrisbenavides
Is it better to pick a bigger coral or a smaller one? Does it matter?
depends on your tank size and spaces allocated for it. remember, where you initially intend it to be might not be the optimal spot. you might need to try a couple of spots in the tank so you should have 2~3 backup spots of varying conditions (e.g. high-light/hi-flow, high-light/low-flow, high-light/intermittent-flow, etc.). also, consider their eventual growth, they may shade other corals (frag 'em! :D ).

usually, i would opt for the smaller coral though. for cost, spacing, variety (getting more than one), and to limit collecting of the larger specimens.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7795488#post7795488 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by chrisbenavides
I found this: (DIVER'S DEN) and this from the same site: Do you think there is a difference with this Diver's Den thing? If I don't choose Diver's Den will I get the same type of coral, and quality???????
the first link looks interesting. not sure if the greenish coloration is from the lighting or somewhat natural. but as i noted above, i'm not sure if the 2nd link (or the 1st link) is elegans, even though they note it as such. if i had to guess, i would guess elegans though.

i don't have any experience with the diver's den part of liveaquaria. i'm not sure if that was the "flying fish" company (which i did have experience with) they bought or even if any of that comapny structure survived within drs f&s's takeover. i guess it's a wysiwyg-type of menu. maybe someone else can comment on their reliability and such.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7795488#post7795488 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by chrisbenavides
Important though: How well do these ship? I have heard that they DO NOT ship well. How true is this? Anybody here ordered online and successfully recieved this coral without much problems?
i've actually never had a bad shipment of yellow leather toadstool corals (speaking generically). i've always found more problems with slimier/mucusy corals, e.g. colts, xenia, anthelia, etc..

BUT, i have had rot and coral parasites on these yellow leathers. but qt'ing and close examinations prior to tank introduction should limit these. also, you should keep a close eye on them after introduction for a couple of weeks.

the mucusy corals' parasites/coralivores tend to attack/devour quickly ime, i.e. you'll see the devastation fairly quickly. otoh, toadstool coralivores tend to suckle at the coral or eat from the base or inside as the coral has significant body mass and energy reserves. there are exceptions but rarely imported ime (as they've eaten the coral in-transit already :mad: ).

so you need to be vigilent as they can hide for a while. good luck!
I agree, that unless this is a WYSIWYG coral that you may not be getting exactly what you wanted. IME: It is best to keep an eye out locally for one that looks exactly like you want. Some are brighter colored than others and unless it is WYSIWYG your probably better off to keep looking for the right one. It took me about 2 years to find just the right one locally as many are not that true bannana color and may be selling as an elegans but isn't really.