Yellow Fiji Leather - 260w of PC lighting enough?

those two links do look similar but if given the choice, i'd pick the second one. you have a better chance of getting an unusual coral there imo. it looks a little different but that could just be the lighting and angle.

the first one just looks like elegans though.
For what it's worth...

Wholesalers mark any bright yellow leather as a Yellow Fiji Leather. When OLS' order in shipments or go to the wholesalers to get their orders directly they are sold and invoiced as yellow fiji leathers. I've seen shipments come in from Jakarta and Bali and those yellow leathers are even marked, sold and priced as 'Yellow Fiji Leather'. No, it's not right, but at the volume that these animals come and go from wholesale and retail stores, it's hard to keep them long enough to really be able to decide which specific sp. they are.

If you want a specific type of yellow fiji leather some online stores will be willing to work with you if you can provide pictures when you place your order. Especially if they have a special request program in place. The more information and pictures you provide requesting a specific look, the more they can help you. Just make very sure that you want something specific.
You just keep waiting for one to come in to your local fish store and hope when they do finally get one - it's the right one.

I've seen four variations of yellow leather corals sold in all of the Los Angeles wholesalers as yellow fiji leathers - one of those variations being a dyed coral.

Just be careful and ask a lot of questions.