I've had mine for over a year, maybe I just got lucky. He was originally in my 36g with a barber-pole goby and a blue assessor. He is now in my 180 reef.
He absolutely never bothered anyone, although he would occasionally try to move in to the goby's burrow. He never won that fight, and the goby was less than half his size!
They will jump, however...especially when first introduced (before they get a chance to make their burrow). Once they've picked their spot, though, they tend to stay in one place.
I have never heard that they were aggressive and have never known anyone to experience that behavior. And it sounds like you'll have him with some tankmates that wouldn't put up with any shenanigans. They may squabble among themselves over territory, but I only have one so I'm not really sure about keeping them in groups.
You do have a reasonably deep sandbed (2-3 inches, at least) for them, right?