Yellow pictures


New member
ok, got the camera - Nikon D-7000

Now - got the tank pictures down fairly well - you know that was the first step!

Everything else I am trying to shoot either looks way too yellow, or slightly under exposed - or the opposite very blue?
I have tried a few changes to the WB setting, but still am getting really crappy shots!
Came with Kit lens 18-105

I know this is a great piece of equipment and I need some help taking some better photos!
Do you know how to set white balance? You set it on the bracket setting, take a photo of something totally white at a 0 exposure and then go to the menu and choose custom WB and then hit select once you are on that all white image. At least that is how it's done with my Canon.

Even still, I find that the auto WB shots are better than my custom WB shots of my tank...
Another way of doing it would be to shoot in RAW (Nikon: NEF), use Auto WB and then adjust in software. If you have Photoshop, you can do this in ACR (Adobe camera raw) or in Lightroom.
Ok, I have not done the white card test yet - I will do that in the morning.

I have both Photoshop 10 and Aperture 3.1 - but still seem to be missing something?? is there a plugin for importing the raw nikon images? I am shooting in both Jpeg fine, and Raw (one image per card, there are two cards on this unit, I have two 16gig class 10 cards loaded up) when I import into Aperture, it does not want the jpegs? I try to adjust the white balance, but it really throws off the rest of the colors?

I am now looking for a class locally - but certainly appreciate your patience and help!