Yellow tang 4 trade or free


New member
I have a yellow tang about 2 inches long....pretty big. He wont play nice with some new additions to my tank.....anyone want to trade him for something or take him? I have him in a fish trap now so he needs to go cell 901-831-7118
someone please help him out--i have seen this tang and he is nice size--i can't take him cause of my powder brown--reefdream1981 is a friend and a good guy--will any reefer help him out and take this tang--i hate to see him throw it in the trash-----
if he doesnt hold it for snakemanvet im sure either kermits or memphis will take him no need to throw it away. someone in the club will hold it for him most likely
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no no no....i could never kill the poor fish...but i dont want to give him to the fish store so they can give me 5 bucks then turn around & sell it for 50 bucks, Id rather give it to someone here. I have him in my sump now, but its hard to feed him like that & im not sure how long he will survive. He will be here waiting.....