Yellow Tang & Blue Hippo Tang together?

I've seen them together several times without issue. Rule of thumb is different shapes/colors your usually ok. Fore warning though, you will catch some flack here for 2 Tangs in a 90g.
So long as they are different looking tangs, they should get along according to conventional wisdom. A lot of opinions state to add them at the same time. Do these two things and there is a good chance it will work out fine. Of course, nothing is absolute so there's always a chance to end up with an ornery fish that won't play nice with others.

With regards to the hippo outgrowing the tank, I guess that's a good excuse to upgrade in a few years, even though many will tell you to not buy the hippo until you actually have the big tank. ;)
In a 90, I wouldn't do it -- since that is too small for a "hippo". IMO, you should get fish for the tank you currently have, not the one that you plan on having.
Most tanks have a yellow and a hippo as far as I'm concerned. Thousands of tanks that are not 200 gallons or more that's for sure. Education is key and some people just don't care IMO no matter what you say.Most LFS don't that's for certain.
I have yet another question edited~dc I'm pretty new here and am in the process of a 150 MR build. My stocking plan so far includes a Blonde Naso, PBT, and a yellow tang for sure. I would love to add a Sailfin somewhere down the road, but is not one I have to have, just if my tank can handle it. What do you all think?
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I have yet another question edited~dc I'm pretty new here and am in the process of a 150 MR build. My stocking plan so far includes a Blonde Naso, PBT, and a yellow tang for sure. I would love to add a Sailfin somewhere down the road, but is not one I have to have, just if my tank can handle it. What do you all think?

I'd skip the Naso. Maybe the sailfin too depending on the tank dimensions
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I have yet another question edited~dc I'm pretty new here and am in the process of a 150 MR build. My stocking plan so far includes a Blonde Naso, PBT, and a yellow tang for sure. I would love to add a Sailfin somewhere down the road, but is not one I have to have, just if my tank can handle it. What do you all think?

that naso will get to big for a 150 gal. tank the others should be fine.
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I'd skip the Naso. Maybe the sailfin too depending on the tank dimensions
I know the Naso's get big but I didn't think that a Sailfin would be a problem at all, aside from crowding if I had a big Naso.
that naso will get to big for a 150 gal. tank the others should be fine.

Hmmm, no Naso even if I were to leave out some of the others?? That hurt's that fish is one of the main reason's I got into the hobby, gotta love those streamers!
Any 4' tank, even a 150, is pushing it with 2 or more tangs. Especially if you start talking the big tangs like nasos, vlamingiis, sailfins, and hippos. Those fish all get over 12" long, and in the sailfins case, 12" tall!
Guys, sailfins and nasos will not get that big if in a smaller system!!!! that is open ocean max size! I have all of the above in a 200 and all happy and none 12".....
i know it is hard when you have a fav. fish then to find out it won't fit in your tank.

here is a good thread about size tanks for keeping tangs.

is your tank the 4' 150 gal?

Any 4' tank, even a 150, is pushing it with 2 or more tangs. Especially if you start talking the big tangs like nasos, vlamingiis, sailfins, and hippos. Those fish all get over 12" long, and in the sailfins case, 12" tall!

I have a 6' long 150 gal, this is why I was thinking I would be able to have these fish. I know that they need lots of swimming room, and that I will be able to provide.