Yellow Tang & Blue Hippo Tang together?

Guys, sailfins and nasos will not get that big if in a smaller system!!!! that is open ocean max size! I have all of the above in a 200 and all happy and none 12".....

I agree with this statement, I have been keeping all different types of caged animals my whole life, from reptiles to freshwater fish. One thing I have noticed is that you can have a perfectly healthy speciman and they will grow to fit their surroundings. Not to mention my tank is only smaller that the reccomended tank by 30 gallons, not like I am trying to cram a 12" Naso into a 55 gallon tank (which I have seen done :mad2:)
I have yet another question edited~dc I'm pretty new here and am in the process of a 150 MR build. My stocking plan so far includes a Blonde Naso, PBT, and a yellow tang for sure. I would love to add a Sailfin somewhere down the road, but is not one I have to have, just if my tank can handle it. What do you all think?

A 150 gallon tank is not as big as you think it is. And no, a blonde naso will not fit in a 150, and neither will a sailfin tang which reaches SIXTEEN INCHES. Sorry you got into the hobby because of the naso...your tank only being 150 gallons makes me suggest against it. If you HAVE to have one, something around 12' long and 4' or 5' wide. And even that's on the small side.

I have a LFS near me that has a vlamingii tang that was brought in by a customer that couldn't house it any longer. The thing was in a 300 gallon tank and is a MONSTER. It's easily 18" long and THICK. I'm telling you, if you've seen a mature naso species tang, you wouldn't put one in a dinky 150.

Also, the reason you don't see mature naso species tangs in our hobby is because they perish in tiny tanks before they can reach that size. And no, sticking a fish that attains 24" as an adult in a itty bitty tank will NOT keep it from growing. :hmm4: Same goes for a large dinner plate sized sailfin tang.
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Guys, sailfins and nasos will not get that big if in a smaller system!!!! that is open ocean max size! I have all of the above in a 200 and all happy and none 12".....

First, that has yet to be proved. And if it does happen, IMO, the fish would be smaller/shorter because of poor water conditions and/or stress, not because of the actually smaller tank. If you have had a "naso" (( not sure what fish you are referring too, since that is the genus )), for any amount of time that isn't over 12 inches there is something seriously wrong.
The amazing thing here is the difference of opinion. It seems that all the people with several 1000 posts are against having sailfin/naso unless you have like 600 gallons+ .....and EVEN THEN.....etc etc.

Likely the large majority of them know by experience and had tangs in smaller tanks at one point in their fishkeeping experience.

Unfortunately us humans are a nasty bunch, and all seem to need to learn this lessons ourselves. It seems to be the same thing with Ich, water parameters etc. Very few of us(including me) get in the hobby ready to go with all of the right equipment.

Before you know it, the excitement of the new tank(and this can last months) has led you to add too much stuff too fast and now there is a sailfin, naso, hippo etc all in a 90 gallon. Just look around the internet, you will see these guys together all the time.

I know people that have a Naso in their 90 gallon for 12 years, and the thing is like his best friend, eats from his hand, follows him around the room. If fish could smile, it seems this one would.

Think about a dog, in the wild a dog would roam 100s of square kilometers roaming for food, looking for mates etc. However, give that dog some food and some love, it will live in the same 1000 square feet it's whole life and be extremely content.

I am not discounting anyone here, and certainly can't compare dogs to fish in such exacting terms.....but again when someone takes proper care of their fish and system.....well I believe this is just as important if not more so than the tank size.

I would rather see a Naso in a 90 with a great owner, than sitting in someone else's 300 gallon that let's it get dirty, never pays any attention other than throwing some food in here and there.

Flame away, this is my opinion based on my limited experience. Perhaps with time and wisdom I too will change.
You are welcome to your opinion, nothing wrong with that. On the same token, I am welcome to mine. As someone who has kept a 12+ inch Naso lituratus (( as apposed to a Naso vlamingii, which would even be worse -- "Naso" is the genus )), in a 4 foot tank (( held it for a week while a buddy was moving )) I will always be against them in a smaller, less then 10 feet, tank. They are just plain huge and are swimmers. The wake created by that fish was large and would splash out of the tank.
lol I rewrote this post 4 times and I will sum it all up:

My edited~dc still stands.......bring a snickers
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Let's dispense with the tang police comments. All it does is cause fights here.
Is there any problem keeping these two tangs together? The tank is a 90g with 30g sump
No but I think you can find a fish better suited for the long term then a blue. Look at a kole tang instead of the blue. They are incredible fish. They should be ok but one thing to consider is tangs are aggressive fish that will take territory. Any new fish that is added might end up in a fight so you want to make sure you add the tangs last and that they are as small as you can get them. You will need to feed them a considerable amount so make sure you have a good skimmer and keep up on water changes. They are large fish that poop a lot.

Guys, sailfins and nasos will not get that big if in a smaller system!!!!

If you feed it properly it will.
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Putting a fish that reaches a foot long in a 6 foot long tank is rather short sighted.

Those of you who think animals only grow to the size of their cage - what do you think it is that causes stunted growth? Do you think the universe planned it this way to make caged animals and their owners happy? You think the fish "knows" he should secrete less GH because he's in a small tank? Studies on fish have shown that chronically stressed fish will release more norepinephrine and epinephrine which indeed suppresses release of growth hormone. So if you have a fish that's growth is stunted, even though he seems "fine" to you, he's NOT.
Its possible. Look at all the LFS, they have the tangs in very small tanks. Now will your tang be happy, not sure.
Its possible. Look at all the LFS, they have the tangs in very small tanks. Now will your tang be happy, not sure.

I hope you know that the tangs in the LFS are ment to be sold and not housed their for long term which is why they can do it. same as when you QT your fish it isn't there for long term so you don't need a big tank for that purpose.
I have a hippo tang and a yellow tang in my 90 gallon right now and the hippo is nipping at the yellow tang. It's fin is a little torn up so I'm getting rid of the hippo. They'll get too big for a 90 gallon anyway. I wouldn't recommend it.
You may want to add the Yellow last. I've had good sized Yellows be real bullies to any new fish added to a tank.

I currently have a small Blue Hippo(aka Regal) and he has never bullied new fish. Just don't panic when they get ich. Mine gets a mild out break from time to time and usually kicks it in a few days.
has anyone else noticed if you say tang on this site that 10 people yell at you for having too small for a a hippo in my 56 :-P
has anyone else noticed if you say tang on this site that 10 people yell at you for having too small for a a hippo in my 56 :-P

I guess I will just have to repeat myself, since you don't seem to be able to understand...

So, you think this post/attitude is a good idea? I will give you the answer, it isn't.

BTW -- links, even one's that have to be cut and pasted are not allowed as your "sig"

And it isn't wise to have a "hippo" in a 30" long tank.
I guess I will just have to repeat myself, since you don't seem to be able to understand...

And it isn't wise to have a "hippo" in a 30" long tank.

hes raising him until I get my 150 going. I wasn't being smart, nearly an observation.
Plain and simple tangs get big I also have a 90 gallon reef and I have a blue hippo tang and I have had her for 3 to 4 years she has a scorpion fish,hog fish,two green chromes,a tomato clown (female) a yellow and a dwarf lion fish and I can still add some fish with no problem it matters how active your fish are how much waste they create and if your filter can keep up with them. I also have a 135 with a three foot coral banded bamboo shark with angles and tangs and they have been there for three years no problem I also have a 75 bow front with a full grown dog face puffer a full grown panther grouper three feet big and a three foot snow flake eel and they have been there for as years and I have a 35 gallon nano reef and every single one of my tanks has had no problems with fighting over space. So I would say go ahead and put them in there you would be fine just take good care of them and have a really good filter. And plenty of hiding spots and very good water flow
thats what im every situation is different...when someone says they have a hippo you have no idea if its 1" or 10" when mine had ich he lived in a 20g qt fine. my pops has a small yellow in a 20g....its shallow and has lots of room to swim.