Yellow Tang, Clown, Sea Cucumber, PA


New member

I'm getting rid of these guys as I break down my 65 gallon and move to my RSM. I've had them all about a year now and they're all happy and healthy. They're available for pickup in State College. The clown is pretty big, about 3.5 inches. I have lots more pictures of them if you're interested.

Yellow Tang $20.
Clown $10
Cucumber $5


Sorry, Sanjay beat you by a few minutes on the tang and cucumber. The clown is still available if you want it.

Just so everyone knows I'll be breaking down this whole system within the month. It's a 65 gallon. After the fish, the 70lbs of live rock will be the next thing to go.

actually I wanted the clown. I am surprise Sanjay did not get that too :d . I will see if Sanjay can pick the clown for me.
I left it for you. I don't have any place for another pair of clownfish. I have a single female clown and you can have that one too if you want.

I can pick it up for you.

thursday would work fine fior me. We could do that water change in the Am before we make the trip !