Yellow tang going Crazy!!!


New member
The tang has been in my tank for about 2 and a half weeks. He has been doing amazing, eating frozen and flake food. Recently he has been having violent swimming moves where he zooms forward about an inch and then stops. This has been almost constant. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
whats the size of your tank. it might be cause of lack of space but then again some tangs can do well in some tanks like 55, 60, or 75 gallons but, not for long. once they get to about 5-6inches or even mabey 4in its best to put them in a 100+ with lots of swimming space. and how big is he?
i want to correct myself because tangs can also live in 90g but, i wouldnt push it with anything smaller. just my opinion
Could be water quality issues or it could be the onset of parasites such as ich....he should have been in a quarentine for 4 weeks before going into your main
Is it possible you changed something and he can see his reflection in the glass? Does he "wag his tail" when he does this?