yellow tort & Red cap frags FS

Rogger Castells

New member
I was moving thing around in my tank and knock off a piece of my yellow tort and a very nice cup shape of my red montipora capricornis. each frag is $10 first come first serve. I will not be attending the frag swap as I will be working on Sunday so if you want the frags you will need to P/U. here are the pics of the YT colony and the frags.

Dang Lacy, what're you doing up at 5:55am???
I have to go to work, what's your excuse?
You better hope I'm not working near Weston for my first job today, or I'm going to be waking Roger up in about a half hour. ;)
Hi John,
pm sent
I got up early to do some things before the waterway clean up today. We are about to leave. Anyone else doing it?
Rogger, I will take the yellow tort if it's still available... will you be around tonight so I can pickup the food for Paul? Disregard my first pm, I just saw you won't be around tomorrow.

I'd like a piece of the yellow tort if still available. seems like my tank has stabilized, and is on the up finally.


Why don't you buy it at our auction? Check the preregistered list, you'll notice that I have some posted! I might even bring more, considering that the thing is now bigger than a grapefruit and about an inch from the top of the water!
I was giving someone else thats local the chance to purchase it at the auction ...

Jeff, bring a few of yours .. i might just bid one one as well.
I'm still interested in one of roggers ...
Rogger, have you ever seen any orange in the tort? I'm wondering if I've got a frag of it from you from a while ago that has grown really well and is a nice green colony with orangeish flares on the tips.
Marco, u r alright. I don't care what I say about you!!!

I think if I add any more to my list, Cristina will shoot me!

..........of course, I did tell her I would have some last minute stuff........