Yellow Zoa


Sorry to bring this up on the Zoa loving section of the forum, but you guys must know all the tricks with these corals. I have a small population of 20 yellow polyps. I have been trying to get rid of them for several years. They are on the base of a large lr scape, holding sps and lps. I dont want to use the word kill here, but how do I stop them permanently :deadhorse1:

Thank you for looking

Remove the rocks and let the rocks dry in the sun.
Replace the rocks with new rocks.
That is the safest way to do. Not too big of a deal.
Do not attempt to kill them with any water spray, chemicals, boiling water, scrapping, and such...

Thank you for the replies guys. Think I may go with the fish idea. But may try a matted file fish, have seen them eating zoa as well as aiptaiser, which I also have.

Cheers Martin
There is too many.
It's almost out of control already.
They will probably eat the nice zoas too!
Or choose to eat the nice ones and leave the yellow zoas alone...
Hit or miss.
Good luck! :thumbsup:
