yet another lighting ?


long time reader first time posting. im re entering the hobby after a 12 years away and wow has it changed. i want to try SPS mixed with mushrooms and lps. i have a 90 gal standard 48 x 18 x 24 high before adding any corals i will be adding a calk reactor and im already have a protien skimmer. i just purchased the CURRENT brand mh hood with the following light 48" 560 watt: 2-150 watt HQI 10,000k ; 2-130 watt compact fluorescent bulbs 6 lunars led after a lot of reading<after i have made my purchase> i have my doubts that is enough. any comments would be great. my wife will kill me if a spend another couple hundred dollars on a light. as if she needs another excuse. thank you in advance
Hmmm I really hate to say this, ecspecially with your life on the line, but I doubt 150 watt halides will be able to penetrate the depth of a 90 gallon totally.
It is my opinion that provided you keep the SPS high up in the tank, and the light close to the surface of the water, and you continue to run 10K hilides that you will be fine. If you want to keep SPS around mid tank level then you should go 250's.
