yet another tang question...


Premium Member
... That I probably already know the answer to.

I have a 120 Gallon Cube (30"x30"x30").

I'm assuming a Tang of pretty much any type is out of the question due to limited horizontal swimming space? Or is it one of those things where one will do ok until it gets larger and then I'll need to get rid of it? I'm not really a fan of the yellow tangs.

Current Stocking List:
bi-color blennie
golden headed sleeper goby
citrinus clown goby
engineering goby
skunk shrimp
half a dozen peppermint shrimp

Future stocking list:
Flame Angle
Carpenter's Flasher wrasse
possible some pajama cardinals
Red-blood shrimp

neon green birdsnest
white favia
Red montipora capricornus
Blastomosa (sp?)
GSP (reminds me I need to trim this one)
random zoas (came in on one of the rocks)

Will be adding some more branching corals at some point.

My rock work is fairly open and only goes about halfway up the tank in a mound.
It still has almost 4ft diagonal distance and with the rightness aquascape the fish will use the whole space, I think a kole or tomini tang will be ok, or even maybe a mimic tang.
I would do a nice angel instead. Cubes are tough for tangs, horizontal distance is what they need. If you like the flame, they have amazing colors and will bring personality to your tank.
That's what I thought.

I'll stick with the Flame Angel. I'll look and see if any of the other dwarf angels might go well with my list as well.
Quick reading says more than one Angel in the tank is a no-go. Guess I'll keep playing around to see what other fish I might like.