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Symptoms began five days ago (Monday, Nov. 16). A Bangaii Cardinal died. It ate Marine Cuisine that morning and was dead on the sand six hours later. It had no outward symptoms. I put the carcass in a cup of fresh water and observed no visible parasites exiting the body.
By Day 2, two of the yellow tangs had orange/red streaks on their dorsal fins. Quite a few of the inhabitants had filmy eyes and it looks like there were possibly rough patches on the sides of the Yellow Tangs and possibly sprinkles of ??? on the bodies of a few of the fish. It is not Ich. A second Bangaii Cardinal died Wednesday morning or in the night on Tuesday.
Everyone has continued eating except the lionfish. I feed marine cuisine and nori in the morning, New Life Spectrum pellets at midday and at night. As of Wednesday, I am using Metro and Focus mixed in garlic juice with the pellets. The Lionfish was moved to a hospital tank (so I could medicate the whole tank instead of food which it would not eat) but died because of a heater malfunction :sad2: I am hand feeding the Tuskfish krill soaked in the medication because, even though he wants to eat, he can't seem to connect with the pellets.
The tank is One year old, 350 gallons with an additional 30 gallons in the sump with a skimmer.
The last fish was added to this aquarium 2 ½ weeks ago - the Australian Harlequin Tuskfish. It was quarantined for a week at the LFS but not by me. I did not prophylactically treat for anything. I am not using Cu or Hyposalinity. Everything else has been in there for months.
Most of the fish have had no change in behavior. The Lionfish was lethargic. The Tuskfish hid for a while. Now the Tuskfish is hanging out at the top of the tank but not gulping at the surface.
Tank Inhabitants at onset of problem Water Parameters
1 Zebra Moray - 30" Salinity = 1. 026/35
1 Australian Harlequin Tuskfish "“ 7" Ammonia = 0
1 Dwarf Hawaiian Lionfish "“ 5" Nitrite = 0
1 Regal/Hippo Tang "“ 4 ½" Nitrate = 160
3 Yellow Tangs - 3-4" Calcium = 340
3 Bangaii Cardinals - medium Phosphate = 7.5
2 Clownfish "“ Saddleback and Percula "“ 1 ½" KH = 8/143
2 Blue Damsels "“ 1 ½" Temperature = ~80 F
2 Green Chromis "“ 2 ½"
1 Leopard Wrasse "“ 4"
1 6-Line Wrasse "“ 1 ½"
1 Flame Hawkfish "“ 2"
1 Valentini Puffer "“ 2"
1 Bicolor Angel "“ 3"
The images you get on the Internet are not very clear or helpful so I don't have a clue what this is. I don't have a microscope anymore so I can't take scrapings. I would really appreciate some expert advice.
By Day 2, two of the yellow tangs had orange/red streaks on their dorsal fins. Quite a few of the inhabitants had filmy eyes and it looks like there were possibly rough patches on the sides of the Yellow Tangs and possibly sprinkles of ??? on the bodies of a few of the fish. It is not Ich. A second Bangaii Cardinal died Wednesday morning or in the night on Tuesday.
Everyone has continued eating except the lionfish. I feed marine cuisine and nori in the morning, New Life Spectrum pellets at midday and at night. As of Wednesday, I am using Metro and Focus mixed in garlic juice with the pellets. The Lionfish was moved to a hospital tank (so I could medicate the whole tank instead of food which it would not eat) but died because of a heater malfunction :sad2: I am hand feeding the Tuskfish krill soaked in the medication because, even though he wants to eat, he can't seem to connect with the pellets.
The tank is One year old, 350 gallons with an additional 30 gallons in the sump with a skimmer.
The last fish was added to this aquarium 2 ½ weeks ago - the Australian Harlequin Tuskfish. It was quarantined for a week at the LFS but not by me. I did not prophylactically treat for anything. I am not using Cu or Hyposalinity. Everything else has been in there for months.
Most of the fish have had no change in behavior. The Lionfish was lethargic. The Tuskfish hid for a while. Now the Tuskfish is hanging out at the top of the tank but not gulping at the surface.
Tank Inhabitants at onset of problem Water Parameters
1 Zebra Moray - 30" Salinity = 1. 026/35
1 Australian Harlequin Tuskfish "“ 7" Ammonia = 0
1 Dwarf Hawaiian Lionfish "“ 5" Nitrite = 0
1 Regal/Hippo Tang "“ 4 ½" Nitrate = 160
3 Yellow Tangs - 3-4" Calcium = 340
3 Bangaii Cardinals - medium Phosphate = 7.5
2 Clownfish "“ Saddleback and Percula "“ 1 ½" KH = 8/143
2 Blue Damsels "“ 1 ½" Temperature = ~80 F
2 Green Chromis "“ 2 ½"
1 Leopard Wrasse "“ 4"
1 6-Line Wrasse "“ 1 ½"
1 Flame Hawkfish "“ 2"
1 Valentini Puffer "“ 2"
1 Bicolor Angel "“ 3"
The images you get on the Internet are not very clear or helpful so I don't have a clue what this is. I don't have a microscope anymore so I can't take scrapings. I would really appreciate some expert advice.