You know your a reefer when.........


New member
You find these in your garden while putting up Christmas decorations


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Yeah, my parents decorated some parts of their house with what was left of my acros after my tank crashed. At least they were put to good use!

So many "you know you're a reefer when" moments, even during my period of not having a tank.
NO WAY!!!!! Seriously :bounce3:.

I know your an Apex junkie but How?

BTW- Knukkle- that looked like a nice frag!!

Sadly yeah who knows what it was maybe in 1000 years when my community is dug up they'll think coral reefs existed in westpines
This is a great title. Everyone should keep it going. Earlier I was mixing sugar in iced tea and unconsciously went to go get the power head to mix it.
sadly when ur fish food is right next to the ice cream

As far as the corals- there's plenty of acros around my household for decorations.
My fish food is next to Popsicles hope no one get the two mixed up as I have a cyclopeese bar that looks very similar
You know when you're a reefer when....

Your wife needs superglue and you know exactly where it is and always have plenty on hand......:D
You know when you're a reefer when....

Your wife needs superglue and you know exactly where it is and always have plenty on hand......:D

and refuse to let her use it, because your planning a fragging session :D
you know you're a reefer when 50% of your lunch money for the week goes towards a frag then you eat light for the rest of the week!