You never called me back


In Memoriam
I called yesterday, unfortunately I didn't write down who I spoke to about a M3 regulator. I was trying to get contact info and the guy I talked to didn't have it (or didn't want to give it to me). I wanted to know if they would rebuild my regulator or if parts will still availiable for there regulators. After beating around the bush, he told me he will see what he can do and call be back in 3-4 hours. Guess what, no phone call. Nothing. If your going to tell me your going to call me back, DO IT!!!! Good or bad news, call me back!!!

So, if you have contact info for the makers of M3 regulators, I would appreciate if you would get that info to me here. You've gotta have something, because I don't think a box of regulators show up on your doorstep with a 'from: anonomous' label on it. :rolleyes:

Thanks for your feedback. We apologize for the delay as we were quite busy yesterday and the rep you spoke with did not have a chance to find that information and return your call. However, it looks like the rep. did call you back earlier today and left a message.

Please let us know if there is anything else we can help you with.

Marine Depot Customer Service