You want to see CRUEL!

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<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12364350#post12364350 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by samtheman
I didn't know they "packed" fish in nature. What are you saying?
Its OK to kill and eat fish, but not put too many in a tank? What are you feeding you fish, dogfood? Most of what I feed is other marine life that has been killed to make the food, so we can keep the Tangs in our tanks. Where is the rage?
I don't understand why you feel that just because the world isn't perfect, that it should be ok for us to do anything we want and not feel bad about it or think that it's wrong. I mean, why feel bad about anything that dies, gets tortured, destroyed, etc? It's all natural isn't it? It's just the world spinnin' 'round, and if you aren't outraged at every injustice (if there is such a thing), then you have no right to be outraged over anything. Your arguments have historically had hints of nihilism and I think you should look a little deeper into your warped sense of morality, because I would guess that you're not a happy person.
Can you just feel the love? Its so refreshing to see the live and let live, accept everyone for who they are attitudes of true liberals. A real breath of fresh air.
Im not saying this about every one but any one here has a small tank and has a tang in their will thinks its all right becuase they truly want to believe it and dont want to believe its wrong.
To be honest with every one here I raised a small blue tang and a large yellow tang in a 33 gallon tank. At the time I believed that It was okey because I wanted to believe that. But now that I have a 6' 180 gallon tank I now realise and have accepted that what I did was wrong. Im not saying that those people who have tangs in their small aquariums are evil but in the end greed defeats us all. Just remember that.
Awhile back I started a thread in which I tried to figure out if there might be a sound argument in favor of the view expressed here by many (that I also reflexively share, but am coming to believe may be unsupportable) that keeping 3 tangs in a 45 gallon and the like is not merely unwise (in terms of whether the animals will thrive), but also wrong in the ethical sense. If anyone here cares to contribute to that discussion, I'd love to have more input:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12405091#post12405091 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by HippieSmell
I don't understand why you feel that just because the world isn't perfect, that it should be ok for us to do anything we want and not feel bad about it or think that it's wrong. I mean, why feel bad about anything that dies, gets tortured, destroyed, etc? It's all natural isn't it? It's just the world spinnin' 'round, and if you aren't outraged at every injustice (if there is such a thing), then you have no right to be outraged over anything. Your arguments have historically had hints of nihilism and I think you should look a little deeper into your warped sense of morality, because I would guess that you're not a happy person.

Actually, I am quite happy. I am intelligent enough to understand the human condition. Are you?
(This people who think that its okey to put tangs into small tanks)
Would it be okey to get a gorilla from the wild and chuck him in a small enclosure with climbing equipedment or be better to put him in a large enclosure?
personally, i think we shouldn't enclose any animal or plant no matter the size of the enclosure. How can one "really" say what size is "right" and which is "wrong"?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12413926#post12413926 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by chrissreef
personally, i think we shouldn't enclose any animal or plant no matter the size of the enclosure.
Then why do you do it? :confused:
hey those fished looked to be active and well. don't know about what those fish live like in the wild but are they not schooling fish? do they not travel in groups by the hundreds?

how many of you will say its cruel to have a dog in an apparent is it not to small for an animal that was breed from the wild wolves of Europe? come on people mind your own business leave people to their own ignorance. we all have fish tanks that in one way or another is cruel to those that are in it, if you look it as cruel to encage wild animals.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12414159#post12414159 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by samtheman
How many cows,sheep,pigs and chickens are kept in pens and killed every day?

Well at my house, we keep them in pen so they're easier to catch.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12414159#post12414159 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by samtheman
When will this cruelty ever stop?

When the pig is fat, the cows are about 2, the chickens are about 8 to 12 months...we keep some for the aborted embryos...
don't keep sheep...and my BBQ is screaming and my gut is empty...A bullet behind the temple for the 4 leggers and an butcher knife for the other.

Where do you think all that seafood & meat comes from at the grocery doesn't just appear. Humans have been killing animals from the beginning and doesn't look like it's going to stop anytime soon. At least not in my home.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12404683#post12404683 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by samtheman
Because they are mostly Democrats!

Damn Right!! That a-hole chickensh_t V.P. Cheney never served in the military......Oh thats right he's a Rebublican. In fact not one of the Neo-Cons who pushed to invade Iraq ever served in the military. Only G.W. who took the cowards way out and had his daddy get him in the National Guard ever came close to serving.
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<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12438944#post12438944 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by reef rico
lol i love meat to much

thats the spirit. meat is good i feel sorry for all those vegitarians that have never tasted pork ribs or a nice juicy steak thaey sure are missing out on some of the best out there.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12405569#post12405569 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jaymz101
Can you just feel the love? Its so refreshing to see the live and let live, accept everyone for who they are attitudes of true liberals. A real breath of fresh air.
If you're talking about me, then you don't understand sarcasm.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12411649#post12411649 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by samtheman
Actually, I am quite happy. I am intelligent enough to understand the human condition. Are you?
The human condition? You mean the condition that allows us to transcend animalism? I don't think you're living up to your potential. Not that many, including myself, do. But, at least I know that the potential is there, unlike what you portray about yourself.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12432689#post12432689 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by iron coral
come on people mind your own business leave people to their own ignorance.
Fine, I'll leave you alone.
ok in this thread many people have come across with the idea.."oh but dont those fish school in the wild? in like groups of hundreds?" yes they do but the ocean is HUGE! i mean really HUGE! come on are you like 3 years old? you cant come with that argument!

over many years people have kept marine fish and have tried and tested keeping alot of different species of fish in many different kinds of aquariums and environment! in doing this marine hobbyists have studied the needs and requirements for keeping the captive animals happy and in the best possible health!

Tangs are very energetic fish that require large volumes of water to swim in! the fact that those tangs in the video are swimming around means nothing! in order to keep up there metabolism and keep their cardiac and vascular systems healthy and strong they need to swim with some speed! watch "happy" tangs in 100gal + aquariums and see how they swim with bursts of speed around the tank! they dont just swim around in a small circle!

Ultimately those fish in the video will either die of stress related illnesses or suffer cardiac failure because of the lack of the ability to swim to maintain sufficient cardiac function!

And for those people who believe that "a fish is just a fish" and any fish can be kept in any tank because "a fish is just a fish", you should get out of this hobby quickly because you are way over your heads!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12441200#post12441200 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by kzooreefer
Feel better now? :lol:
Try wiping the foaming spittle from your chin so you don't look like the rabbid liberal that you appear to be. :rolleye1:
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