Your Flame Angel!!!!


New member
I would like to know everything about your flame angel. What does it eat, is it peaceful, does it nip at your corals, in your experience are they hardy, etc.?

I would also love to see your pics.

Beautiful fish! I had one (2" long). Had in QT, got popeye second week and and passed away. I suspect there was more to it though.

Loves to forage for food (pods and other critters). Preferred Formula One (green pellets).

My flame is a pig... Eats everything that I can toss in the tank... The current one leaves clams alone.. however I have had ones that were nippers.
Mine are pigs - well at least the male is. Flame angels are one of the angels that will appreciate filamentous algae supplements like feather caleurpa. They need a non streile tank with plenty of micro algae growth on the rocks.

The male is the boss of the tank - no question. if you add a flame - usually it is best added last to a peaceful community tank

Mine don't nip at any of the corals or clams I have. :)
My eats anything I throw in the tank. He doesn't nip at the corals, but he bullies some of the smaller fish...
Mine is awesome. Has never touched a coral. He eats any food I put in the tank (brine, mysis, plankton, spirulina). He is fairly aggressive and will bully some of the smaller fish, but nothing too bad. Of course he's in a big tank so he might chase for a minute and then forget about it. If you're planning on keeping one in a smaller tank (less than 100 gallons) be careful of putting smaller docile fish with him...
mine is about 2" long he eats everything i throw in there. he occasionally nips at my leather but nothing bad and leaves all corals alone other than that. He does not bother my solarensis wrasse, mandarin,blue damsel. they all get along fine. great fish to have.
Ok here. Leaves the clam alone as well as the corals. It's always picking at the LR and eats anything I put in the tank.
I got one that seems to leave things alone. He does peck at the rocks and while hes going around the rock he might pick at a sps but just like 1-2 pecks. I'm no expert so heres my Q. Is that considered bad? To me it looks like he don't know the diff between rock and coral and after he pecks 1-2 times he realizes and leaves. The corals seem fine with no problems. So is this an accidental peck or is mine going to be a problem?
If it get's worse then it will become a problem as it will just stress out your corals. The fish does know the difference between rock and coral. Rock has microalgaes on it as well as soem corals I would assume.. but I am pretty sure he's going after the polyps on the SPS.