Your Temps

I try to keep mine as close to the natural temps as possible. 81-84 on my reef. My soon to be seahorse tank will probably stay at room temp about 75 since it's a little 3 gallon eclipse.
The temperature of the tanks depends on the species of seahorse I am keeping.

i.e. ingens are kept much cooler (68-70) than my erectus & reidi (72-75 - season dependent).

My friend has pot bellies and he keeps them at 64-66,

I agree. even the "tropical" seahorses seem to do best at cooler temperatures, below 80, in the low to mid-70s.
umm, I live in northern MN
the thermostat is set at 72-74, depending on how cold I feel

in the summer, I dunno what will happen. I'll either have the AC on at 74-76, OR float a pop bottle with ice in it... depends on how much cash flow is coming into the house at the time.

I own a heater, but it isn't pluged in, and currently sits under the stand...
I use a small clip on fan. My friends with pot bellies use a clip on fans and have a chiller on standby to supplement when needed.

I keep my tropical tank at 74 degrees F, my nano fluctuates between 74 and 78, and my temperate seahorse tank is 65.
My horses at work (the ones I will getting in a couple months) are living in temps probably around 79-80 and are doing they fine. they are erectus.

When I get them, should I try and lower their temps (I know to do it VERY slowly) to around 75 to mimic their natural environment, or should I just keep it the same since they are doing fine?
You can buy them at Walmart, Home Depot, Lowe's, Target. Often they are seasonal in some parts of the US.

If you use a fan, be ready to top off as evaporation is increased. (thus the cooling effect)
