It's low in the tank in partial shade from a larger sarcophyton. Tank is well lit though w/ a 150w 20k halide and 1 18w attinic over 20 gallons. Water parameters are perfect.
was it wild or aquacultered? I have noticed that wild ones sometimes bleach a little when going into an aquarium but can regain their color. Are you feeding it?
I believe it to be wild harvested and it gets food only from what I feed the tank daily alternating between mysis and blackworms. Quite frankly between the peppermint shrimp and the 2 gobies I am not sure really that any of my Ricordias or my Yuma actually ingest the food before it is picked off of them.
If your Yuma is hungry it will eat the food but will be slow to do so. You will need to guard the Yuma with the empty turkey baster, shooing the varmints away with either puffs of water or just outright push them somewhere else untill the Yuma is done or toss's the food into the current.
By the way that is a fair amount of light for a 20 gallon tank and Yuma's are fairly light sensitive at least at first. More than likely possible for the color shift at the very least. You may wish to consider a location that offers shading and let the Yuma stretch or move to the light that it feels comfortable sharing.
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