from the people i have spoken to over here they seem to be a delicate shipper when freshly collected and the first 3 months is the hard part, after that they become pretty much bulletproof.
i have bleached one of mine after giving the tank too much flow, but i have found that particular variety to be very tempremental even after the 3 months.
i agree on the light issue. as much as yumas can be acclimated to bright light, to start with they definately need to be in the dark. my rics get between 20-85 PAR in my prop tank so i dont have any light acclimation issues, and if they are looking stressed they get put out of the light.
i ended up melting a pink/red yuma after cutting it in half, it was a slow melt though and after a week i pulled it out of the prop tank and put it in my high flow display tank and it ended up stopping melting after a week so i put it back into the prop tank, now there is 2 of them growing back.
i have just started to dose korallen zucht amino acids so will be interesting to see how the tank changes with those additions. not sure on viatmin c yet, will have to some further research on that. i also dose iodine, why i dont know? many swear by it others say its of no use.
i also now use red sea coral pro and RO/DI for my water changes, i live near the ocean in a city of 1 million+ people so i'm worried i may introduce a bad batch of water one day. pollution can be a nasty thing to add to a ric tank and once bacterial infection sets in its devastating, although the chances are slim its one thing i cannot afford to happen. i know that no nitrate/phosphate will be added to my tank atleast.