Zebrasoma or Acanthurus for Hair Algae?


Active member
I've got quite a bit of hair algae popping up after cure of about 100 lbs of Fiji maricultured rock that went into the system almost 3 weeks ago. (There was about 100 lbs of other rock that had been "cooking" in the system for a couple months prior to the new rock going in, so coupled with a couple large-scale water changes (50 gallons at a pop), nitrates are pretty manageable.)

After transferring in my two clowns and hawkfish from existing desktop tank, I want to put in a tank that will do some work on the algae. Hence the subject line question: zebrasoma or acanthurus, i.e., which tends to do a better job mowing down algae?

For zebrasoma, I'd likely go with a Desjardini; for acanthurus, I'd likely go with a powder blue or a powder brown. (Perhaps a chevron, though not acanthurus.)


(P.S. tank is 250, 7-footer)
No desire for urchins. Re blennie, maybe, but they die fairly quickly in my experience and I wanted something with some color....
I've got quite a bit of hair algae popping up after cure of about 100 lbs of Fiji maricultured rock that went into the system almost 3 weeks ago. (There was about 100 lbs of other rock that had been "cooking" in the system for a couple months prior to the new rock going in, so coupled with a couple large-scale water changes (50 gallons at a pop), nitrates are pretty manageable.)

After transferring in my two clowns and hawkfish from existing desktop tank, I want to put in a tank that will do some work on the algae. Hence the subject line question: zebrasoma or acanthurus, i.e., which tends to do a better job mowing down algae?

For zebrasoma, I'd likely go with a Desjardini; for acanthurus, I'd likely go with a powder blue or a powder brown. (Perhaps a chevron, though not acanthurus.)


(P.S. tank is 250, 7-footer)

For me Zebrasoma!
No desire for urchins. Re blennie, maybe, but they die fairly quickly in my experience and I wanted something with some color....

I used three pencils and two blennies. No need for color they will hide mostly anyway. Lol.

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Turbo snails do good work for some algae. Zebrasoma have done great work for me in the past. A magnificant fox face is also high on my algae control list. In my 120g that I used to run, I had a Kole tang and foxface that kept things in check. I kept a small sailfin in my 60 cube for a couple of years, knowing that I was moving after two years and he would be off to a bigger tank before size was an issue. All three fish were great for algae control.
Turbo snails do good work for some algae. Zebrasoma have done great work for me in the past. A magnificant fox face is also high on my algae control list. In my 120g that I used to run, I had a Kole tang and foxface that kept things in check. I kept a small sailfin in my 60 cube for a couple of years, knowing that I was moving after two years and he would be off to a bigger tank before size was an issue. All three fish were great for algae control.

Thanks for the responsive response!

I''ll go with z. desjardini. I did put in 15 emerald crabs to go with the 125 small blue-legged hermits, and I'll be putting a lawnmower blenny in this weekend, too. With phospate-removing pad in the sump where all water passes through it, the hair algae seems to be getting thinner/more transparent, especially as I've put in a little Purple Up to accelerate coralline growth (to out-compete the hair algae).
I got a few shortspine urchins from LA and they’ve done a nice job without “bulldozing” everything
Thanks for the responsive response!

I''ll go with z. desjardini. I did put in 15 emerald crabs to go with the 125 small blue-legged hermits, and I'll be putting a lawnmower blenny in this weekend, too. With phospate-removing pad in the sump where all water passes through it, the hair algae seems to be getting thinner/more transparent, especially as I've put in a little Purple Up to accelerate coralline growth (to out-compete the hair algae).

Good choice on the sailfin. Should decimate your algae. A lot better than acanthurus in my experience.
I got a few shortspine urchins from LA and they've done a nice job without "œbulldozing" everything

LA meaning Live Aquaria?

I may ultimately go this route, too, before I add more corals. There is a lot of a low-lying wiry red algae to deal with.
Yep, Live Aquaria. Was hesitant, as I've had urchins before and they tended to attach things and move them around. It hasn't been a problem with these however, and they do a nice job with the algae. Kind of amazing to me how small a crevice they can get into.
Also got some Serpent Sea Stars as well, great scavengers and way cool to watch them move around. More often at night, but they'll come out in the day if they sense food.
By the way, after trying several strategies, chemicals, blackouts, bio pellets, etc, none of which have made any significant impact, I started algae scrubber. It took a few weeks to start noticing, but the results have been super. I actually had to start feeding MORE, and everything (fish and coral) seems to LOVE that part. My reef has never looked better.
For algae I love a Chevron Tang, Hawaiian Zebra Hermits, and my buddy the Tail Spot Blenny. Plus a tooth brush
By the way, after trying several strategies, chemicals, blackouts, bio pellets, etc, none of which have made any significant impact, I started algae scrubber. It took a few weeks to start noticing, but the results have been super. I actually had to start feeding MORE, and everything (fish and coral) seems to LOVE that part. My reef has never looked better.

Which scrubber? I had been considering installing one onto the system, too, when things get loaded up more. Right now it's in the beginning stages (3 months or so for initial rock, obtained fully cured; 5 weeks or so for maricultured rock from Fiji).
From here:

I thought it was a weird line of products to sell from a company that didn't really sell aquarium supplies, but I think the build quality is quite good and it fit in the second chamber of my Trigger 39 perfectly. You can save a few bucks by purchasing the mesh at Walmart, and the bulkheads and gate valve from lots of other sources, but for convenience I just ordered it all together. You cut your own pipe that the mesh hangs from. Very good instructions are downloadable on their website. I already had a quiet one pump from my (former) bio pellet reactor, and made a stand from a 4 inch pvc drain pipe.
I ordered another set of the lights and made scrubber "œchambers" in my Nuvo 30L AIO. Since the mesh is submerged, I added an air pump and air stone to create turbulence and they are starting to grow algae as well.
You MUST rough up the mesh sufficiently to allow the algae to attach. It makes a big difference when it's done right. If the mesh is too smooth the initial slime growth and possibly a little algae will get flushed off the screen. It needs a rough surface attach too and grow.
I've become a big fan of algae scrubbing, it's made a real difference for me.