Zeolite flow rate


New member
Hi everyone,

I got nice result with zeolite but not as much as some of zeolite users, so I wonder how much is your flow rate in the zeolite reactor? Is it running all the time or maybe 10min every hour or something like that?

Thanks for your help!
Once settled the flow rate through the zeolites should be equal to the volume of your tank :) So if your tank is 300L then your flow rate should be 300Lph and running 24/7 too :)
50-100 gph per liter of stone is what's recommended, not sure why most start with the upper end of that spectrum.
Are you running full ZEOvit?

Aquaforest :rollface:

Once settled the flow rate through the zeolites should be equal to the volume of your tank :) So if your tank is 300L then your flow rate should be 300Lph and running 24/7 too :)

Ok thanks! Sound bit high cause I often read depends of the stone liters as Rovster said!

50-100 gph per liter of stone is what's recommended, not sure why most start with the upper end of that spectrum.


Is it possible that I got too low flow rate and my polyps extension is not awesome because of that? :mad: