Zoa close ups...

I'll take some pictures and post them up on sunday. All of the frags are more or less fully opened now and coloring up nice. As a sad note: the pink sparklies have been closed for a week+ now. The polyps are bulging like they are maybe gonna reopen from a different side (if that makes any sense.)
Here are a couple of mine:



<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6519130#post6519130 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by surfnvb7
full tank shot! full tank shot!

good suggestion.. I don't think I've seen a post showing everyone's full tank shots... :)

let's see them..

full tank shot! full tank shot!

Don't know if you're referring to me or not, but if so, there's not exactly alot to be seen right now. My tank is pretty new and the corals I have in it were transferred from two smaller systems, a 26 gal and a 10 gal. They came along with a small clown and chromis. So, as you can imagine, I have alot of space to fill with corals and fish yet. :)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6399738#post6399738 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by surfnvb7

and i do believe i see a green mouth...thus an affinity to eat people!! :lol: :lol:

And I just blasted MORE updates today...

The closed polyps are some of the "pink sparklies" from the beginning of the thread... they all look like this right now.

The tiny frag of red skirts (unopened, in middle of picture) I just got today. They have bright yellow centers right now. Curious to see how they turn out. :D
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<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6456349#post6456349 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by bradleyj
Here is a picture of some of mine, not that they are so nice, but I really thought the picture turned out nice.


Very nice! And I would certainly call pallys (Protopalythoa) zoas. Although I don't agree that those pictures are Protopalythoa. :D I think they are just non-matting Zoanthus. I don't think what people typically call pallys, ie. zoanthids like PPE are really pallys. I think polyps like these are pallys:

At any rate zoa is short for zoanthid, any of the corals from the family Zoanthidae and their kin. Even your yellow polyps, Parazoanthus. :D
Nice Mr. Ugly

Here's some I just got by FedEx:

And some eagle eyes that have been in my tank a while, starting to look really nice:

I got one more frag today too, but it hasn't opened at all yet, and they were the best ones IMO, I hope they open!