Zoa close ups...

Me too... they came from Platinum Reefs.

Got these orange ones from Rick's Reef:

Same ones with flash, shows color a little better:

These green protopalythoa came from Coral Fanatics:

They looked like this a month ago when I first got them:

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Here are some fire and ice and blue ice I got from Aquatic Specialties (LFS):

They looked like this when I got them 5 weeks ago:

those first ones are sweet!!!

and i do believe i see a green mouth...thus an affinity to eat people!! :lol: :lol:
Yeah they have green mouths. They are very much like PPE's in form. (I assume that is what you were referring to. ) :D
hey Im a noob but check out my first attempt at zoo pics;)
i luv em and am well proud:D



Me too... They are actually all closed up atm, I hope they are just still adapting to the tank.
Just finished acclimating some new zoanthids...

These frags are from Coral Fanatics:

Frag 1

Frag 2

Frag 3

Frag 4

Frag 5

And I got this huge colony from LiveAquaria:

Mean Greens?
DHarms, so where are the pics of the other ones all opened up????:lol:
don't hold out on us! :D

AWESOME pictures and GORGEOUS zoa's/paly's

Here is a picture of some of mine, not that they are so nice, but I really thought the picture turned out nice.
