Zoa Frag plug rocks


New member
im thinking about getting some of those rocks that have the holes to stick frag plugs right it.. now would be adding that to a tank right when i get it, be ok? or should i stick in frag tank for a few days?

thanks for any info, o and were would the best place be to get them. i need a smaller one it be on bottom in front in my nanocube
Just a thought... Why don't you just attach your "frags" to a small piece of rubble rock instead of a plug.
Kills 2 birds with one stone, cuts back on the eye sore of plugs, and saves you from having to buy the rock with pre-drilled holes in it...
To answer your question, there is nothing technically wrong with adding some of the ceramic plugs or donuts to the tank. However, they are not necessarily cured, so adding a massive number all at once isn't advised.

Personally I use rubble where possible as well.
I know this is old but Does any one know where to get these? I have been looking all over google. I cant seem to find a place to order these
We got rock frag racks from UniqueLEDs a year ago, he was showing them at our local coral farmer's market. Don't know if he got enough demand to keep doing them or not. You can always just use a drill to drill your own holes, that would be faster & easier.
you can buy cured frag plugs if that's what your really want. You can see tons of them in ebay. But for asthetics, I rather have rubble rock that looks more natural on my main rocks than 100 bright what frag plugs all over the main rock :thumbsup:
I assumed he was asking about buying rocks with holes drilled in them, since that's what the original poster was asking for.

Frag plugs should be easy to find on google.
Yeah I like the idea of them. I took my zoas off the rock scape because they were creeping close to my sps. I want to try a bunch of different ones on different rocks that are small and flat and keep them on the sand. Then once covered pull plugs out and trade or sell since they grow pretty fast.
I use marco rocks and it has a lot of holes. Thats where i put all the frags.