Zoa Pox


New member
This week some of my pieces have been closed lately. I noticed last night that some have zoa pox. I want to treat them with furan 2 but am not sure if I should treat all the zoas and palys in my tank or just the ones that are effected? I will set up a gallon tub with tank water and a packet of furan 2 and dip for 20 minutes for three days in a row. I will also rinse in fresh tank water before returning them to the system.

Let me know if I am missing anything here?

Thanks, Chris
I personally dip all Z's and P's that resides in the tank were pox is observed, just because 1 colony from the left side of the tank is showing signs doesn't mean the ones on the right doesn't have it , nor hasn't shown signs yet.

No point in just treating a couple then when treatment is done you place it back in the tank were some polyps were affected previously but didn't show signs at first re-infect the treated one... Treatment occurs of a couple weeks btw.

Thanks for the info I will read that article again. Was planning on following that article as a guidline.

Thanks, Chris
Me I use tank water from the main tank instead of RO/DI, less stress on a sick polyp. Plus using tank water gives you the excuse to do water change at the same time. Just use the water your taking out of your tank during the WC for dip and rinse.

If you have a spare tank for hospital tank to hold all the polyps your treating, it also gives your tank time without Z's and P's for what ever pox there is in the main tank to die off. But you can treat and place them back into the main tank, I've done that myself. After treatment, residue from the furan is still on the polyps even after some rinsing.
I was planning on doing a 10 gallon water change before treating the zoas/palys so I would have some spare water to do it in. It also makes mention in that article of the importance to do more water changes during the weeks you are dipping. I don't have a hospital tank. I do have a frag tank but it is plummed into the main sytem. Would there be any benefit to keeping them souly in there? Also do Palys get zoa pox? I plan on dipping them too just in case but was just currious.

Thanks, Chris
Don't know about palys, protopalys or grandis. But I dip em to to ensure no pox is lingering. But be cautious, not all palys like dips/treatment. I've had some melt on me so during the dip watch em for signs of stress, immediately pull the palys showing stress and rinse right away and place back into your tank under good/strong indirect flow.

What do you rinse them in, outside of tank water? Also, any definite way to tell if something has Zoa Pox?