Zoa Pox

I use the packet for my 5 gal bucket with 1/2 water in there... and follow the link instructions. I personally dip all Z's and Ps regardless if its showing pox or not, as most likely its already infected. No point in dipping the infected ones then once you cured them the ones that originally didn't show it, now show and reinfect the treated ones. For the Dip use water from your tank.( good excuse for water change ) the water that you take out of your tank instead of tossing it, use it in a 5 gal bucket for medication and use some for rinsing before placing the Z's and P's back.

PLEASE wear your safety GEAR, goggles, gloves, cover mouth.....
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How many times would I have to dip the new zoas? And should I do it in the same container as the affected ones? If I don't I'll be out of furan 2 again...but I'm worried that they'll get infected this way even if they weren't before
1 packet, i dip all of them at the same time. in a 5 gal bucket or if lots of frags/colonies I do a large bin and just double or triple dose depending on amount of water used.
Would it be ok to dip a few colonies for 15-20 minutes and then reuse the furan 2 water to dip the others? I'm using a really small container is the reason why I ask
Finished the treatment (a while ago, but I never got around to posting)
I isolated the infected colony in a rubbermaid container during the whole process. I dipped the colony for 20 minutes in furan2 water mixture (about 2 cups of water with 1 packet of furan2) and put the colony back in the bucket, which had strong flow from a powerhead. Didn't really see noticeable results until I let the colony rest for a week, but I can't see any pox now! Also, I only did 1 week of treatment, and added another dip because of this. Also, the colony was at rest for about 3 weeks before it went back into the tank. The water in the container was not changed throughout the process (me being lazy :D)
day 1 after dip:

day 3 after dip:

After 4 dips total and 1 week of rest:

In tank (now):