Zoa purchase help.


New member
I recently bought 5 different kinds. [from a unnamed RC sponsor]
I got them last thursday. And currently have them at the bottem of my 75G.
And so far only 1 is mostly open and 1 completely shut. <Is this normal ??
Also they look dull or nothing like the pictures [color wise]

How long can it take to color up ?
Is this experience very normal ?

So far my tank is 1/2 zoa dominated.With aprox 20 different kinds :celeb1:
Im trying to get more rare kinds that my LFS cant get. [to pricy for around here]

So who is well respected/trusted for good pricing and quality.?
I geneally buy from random people in the for sale section.

What type of lighting are you running?
What about flow?
what are your parameters?
I would recommend leaving them at the bottom for 1-2 weeks before gluing them down anywhere.

Were these fresh cut looking frags by any chance?
Sounds normal to me......probably had a bit of stress in the move. 1 week isn't out of the ordinary to go back to normal. Try hitting it with a bit more flow from a powerhead and see if that helps.
Thanks for the help. I never bought coral online before ,only local LFS or trade with people in my club. So I'm not real sure what to expect here.

And yes they looked very fresh cut. After 8 days now the hermits have picked the extra stuff like dead or half polyps off the frags.

So far they are on the bottom and there is a little window screen patch area to cut down the light for them. And the flow is good enough to move sand around them.

Again thanks for putting my fears to rest.
Just a fair warning, nothing ever looks as good as the macro pictures. I agree, give them some time to adjust to your tank shipping can be stressful.
Often pics of what you will be getting are done under 20k and sometimes just blues. The colors are in there, just depends on the light. You can always contact the seller to see what lights they are using.
They are using LEDs. Which may or not be the most cost effective for zoas.
Me I still luv my MH and have a brand new 2X175 + 4T5s for the 140g
:celeb1:I will finally get to set up in about 6-8 wks.:celeb1:

Thanks Vendor talk not allowed in the discussion forums. I'm not done buying online.
But was very confused by what I got. Especially after seeing people here post pictures of their new purchase that looks like it should look.

:debi: still livin n learning :debi:
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