Zoa Semi Opened


New member
Hi guys,

Any ideas why a zoa would seem to stay only half opened?
I've attached a picture.
I have other zoas that are at the same height which are fine.
I have other zoas also that are at lower levels which are fine.
But there are some zoas that just stay in that half opened posture at either of the 2 positions.

The zoa in this pic is placed at a lighting area with the par of 250-300 which I've read are ok for zoas.

Parameters are:
Ammonia and Nitrites - 0
Nitrates - 10
KH - 7
CA - 420
MG - 1280
PO4 - 0
Salinity - 1.024 - 1.025
PH - 8.4

Thanks peeps.


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i'd start getting concerned if my alkalinity tested at 7 as it's about as low as you want to get. also, in my experiences with over 30 varieties of zoas/palys currently in my system i've sort of realized that there is no perfect par generalization for these creatures. i have purple hornets that sit beside my acropora and utter choas that sit on the bottom of the tank.
last and definitely not least, zoas like every other coral require stability to be at their best. i see your test results but are these the same numbers you get every time you test your water?
Hey Johnny,

Thank you for your reply. Yeah I'll try to get that KH number up gradually. You're right on that.
Yes those parameters have been stable for me. I'm using brightwell salt mix. Never changed my routine for months. Weekly water changes of 15-20% every Friday.
I guess I will just give it time.