Zoa Squirt!!



I was getting rid of some zoas that started growing on my rock..(i didnt want them obviously) with a hammer and a schizzle.. I was 90% done, got rid of most zoas..when suddently..SQUIRT!!!!!!..missed my eye for about 0.000001 millimeters..landed right on the corner of my left eye (left corner)..part of my eyebrow...i yelled!!! "@#$%!!!!" and ran to th bathroom and flushed my eye..who by God's grace didnt get any toxins..

I flushed it with cold water..and added some eye drops..as soon as i got squirted i knew it missed my eye..i didnt feel any burning or a watery eye..i did see my eyebrow wet with the liquid..So add me to the "almost dead/mauled by palytoxin" list..LOL
hey Reef just have to tell the entire world. you are one luck guy not to get that in your eye. Going to be able to frag a couple for when I get my tank up and running. lol
Uh I must be more immune to them, or is my eye going to fall out in a few days?

I was fragging the other day with a dremel and one squirted right in my left eye. As soon as it did it started burning like FIRE! I ran to the bathroom, rinsed it out and that was that. It stopped burning.

I wasnt going to mention this to you all, but since we are confessing.......

OBTW, protective eye ware at all times now. Me and "the wife's" new rule! ;)
Denny..Yeah, Ill frag a couple of zoos..ill just put on a hockey mask..lol

Rev- Maybe you are immune..lol..aquired immunity..hehe.. I freaked out though, i rather pour gasoline on my eye than palytoxin..seriously..
Most zoanthids arent toxic, so I really wouldnt worry about it. I'm not saying its great to get zoa dna in your body, but only a very small amount of zoanthids are toxic. Palythoa Grandis are toxic, but as far as I know no other types are that are commonly available in the aquarium trade.
Wooowee, thanks alot guys and gals for the heads up, I don't use eye protection, but I think I am going to buy a few just in case
hmm... I've never had any trouble with zoos, but I was packing some sanctithomae mushrooms one day and it got me in the eye. Hurt like hell and I was pretty much useless for the rest of the evening.

My branching symphyllia always does a good job on my arm when I'm working in the tank too. No pain no gain tho. lol
Like furforfour said, very few are toxic, but you should be careful.
Why was your face so close to the colony anyway?

Anyway, I'm sure you've put more toxic "substances" in your body in college... :lmao:
Regardless of how few "actually" have toxins, you should be careful. I saw a thread a while back, maybe a week or two ago, where this same thing happened to someone. Only someone else posted in that thread where this had happened to them too and the juice burned his retina or something and had to have eye antibiotics and whatnot. In the end he was fine, but still..... Is it really WORTH taking the risk? Glad it missed your eye though.
Reef- I was like 3 ft away from the zoas..i was just schizzling away, i knew they could squirt so i kept my distance..but, it just fired, i was amazed at the force of the squirt, LOL.. ..Ive never experimented with anything else than palytoxins..lol..i like hardcore stuff :D

Mrs.- Yeah, its like when you get bit by a spider and you dont know if its venomous or not..I didnt know what that zoa liquid could do..so, i screamed regardless..lol
LMAO, I can actually see it happening!!!!!:lol: My husband and were doing some moving around in the tank one afternoon and I was messing in the fuge with the cheato and looked up right as he was pulling his hands out of the tank and dropped sw directly into my right eye. I screamed too, only for the simple fact that I haven't been to a beach in oh 3yrs or so, and had forgotten how bad saltwater burns your eyes! :lol:

Needless to say, we aren't BOTH working on the tank like that at the same time anymore! ;)


although not all zoanthids are toxic, i highly recomend anyone to treat them as if they all were!

i know when i got get a flu shot, i get a new needle as opposed to one that is 'probably not toxic'... ha ha!

ok ok, not the same comparison... but hey, my major wasn't comparative literature! :D

at any rate, i recomend more than just goggles - i recomend (and use) a whole face shield. you don't want that stuff in your mouth either!

and..... i leave you w/ this - a shot courtesy of mrs. whodah! :D :D

Hey Whodah!
I thought they didn't allow perno on this website...:lmao:

iReef, so you would say you had the Peter North of zoanthids? :lol:

FYI, the fluids that come shooting out of a zoanthid are mostly Saltwater. Remember, you can get an infection by putting your hands in your tank and rubbing your eye. Some people grow allergic to saltwater from over exposure.

Then some people are just more sensitive then others.

be careful. ;)
Mrs- LOL..yeah, saltwater hurts..bad!

Whodah- Yeah, thats exactly how it happened..damn zoas..

Reef- LOL..I thought it was more like a Jenna Jameson..lol..