Zoa Tank Maint. & little things you do

20% WC's every other week. Ready for my extensive list of dosing? ok here it goes: 1/16tsp vit c. , 8 drops microbacter 7 weekly, 2 drops of iron weekly, 10 drops iodide, 10 drop potassium, 4 drops of AA weekly. BRS 2 part recipe once weekly after testing (sps growth causes fluctuations). BRS reactors with both carbon and GFO. The rest of my system specs are below. I do test for everything I dose. My main reason for dosing is my bi-weekly water changes vs. weekly. I in no way encourage any of this madness listed above. Most of it is a direct relation to carbon dosing and losing certain elements to the skimmer.
Day: top off 20 oz. using a simple water bottle with a pin hole + 30 ml of kalk water

Week: swipe front glass
1 gal. WC (around 25% of tank volume)
rinse thin sponge in AC 2x.
Throw some spectrum fish food in for the snails and others and to maintain the bacterial community for when I add another fish to it.

Month: add 1 tsp. of Mg salts to WC water
add carbon if things are looking yellow

Look at the tank each day up close just to enjoy it.
I do a 10% water change once a week, clean my whole skimmer once a month because I have noticed that its performance drops significantly as cone becomes dirty, and prune back my macros as needed.

I dont do any additives, my tanks parameters stay where they should be, probably because of the water changes.

Tank is stocked with a yellow tang, two tomato clowns, two yellow damsels, and a lawnmower blenny. So I feel like its a pretty evenly stocked tank as far as bioload goes. The corals are primarily softies and LPS. Lighting is 4 t5ho with a color spectrum of about 14k.

The one thing I do that is specific to the zoas and pallys is blow them out every other week with a turkey baster to try and keep build up to a minimum.